I guess I officially qualify as an old timer now??? I’m 6 years in..
I’m sending you so many prayers. I know EXACTLY what you mean.. Nothing is worse than the dreaded scan. I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that metastasized to my liver in July of 2019. Since that day, the entire world seems completely and totally off, nothing goes right, works right, sounds right... I’m adopted with no medical history, at the ripe old age of 43 with genetic colon cancer.
You my friend are not alone. And screw the box checking!!! I say write in other: independently owned and operated!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I admire you so, for how committed you are to standing. I did till God told me otherwise and I’m now married to my perfect! You are so incredibly strong and it breaks my heart that you are struggling..
But I think, in a way, we all are..
COVID sucks. I’m a high school teacher and let me tell you, I’ve always loved my calling, but right now, I’d retire if I could, it sucks too..
I’m kinda on the sick of all it train... 26th round of chemo starts tomorrow. I just know I’m a glow stick!!! I’m just done, with all the unrest, uneasy, divided, hateful, bickering children that are supposed to be leaders and role models... and the “grown ups” that have all taken a side..
I could rant forever.. The learning platform we use, Canvas, it’s logo looks like corona under a microscope. Coincidence, I think not!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sending you everything I’ve got sweet X.., You’ve helped me through some very dark times.. and you need to know what a light you are to others, even in the midst of your mountains..
Hugs and prayers dear friend.. 💜💜💜💜