Well, I have dealt with an underactive thyroid for years. Plus ADHD, although with me there is very little hyper left to that, and I also have Polycycstic Ovary Syndrome.....which I call the POS disorder because it pretty much is a piece of &*#*.
A few years ago the doctor put me on high blood pressure medication even though mine has never actually been very high. And he also said I was pre-diabetic. Let's face it.....I'm falling apart!!
Add in stress and MLC and it's literally a miracle I do not have Tourette's Syndrome!!
So, coke and chocolate are my drugs of choice when it's bad. Neither one of those are good for me, so I'm slowly killing myself, I suppose. At least it's not alcohol or cigarettes or other forms of substance abuse.
Heck, I don't even play bingo! I used to garden when I was stressed out, but my thoughtful h put an end to that when the house was foreclosed on. (Sorry....still working on the bitterness over that loss! Ha!)
I tried hard for a short period of time.....ok, so it was only a couple of days...it just seemed like a long time.....to follow a strict, "good for me" diet. Then stress hit me again and wham! I was back on the coke and chocolate.
Besides all of the crap of being an LBS and dealing with my h with MLC and the rollercoaster behavior, this is the one area of my life I have a difficult time with.
A month after BD, the doctor put me on a mild anxiety medication. It works great!
I also make sure I read my devotional every day and try to pump myself up all the time so I can have a positive attitude instead of negative, doom and gloom like my husband.
I admit to you that all of this is exhausting because it's a constant struggle. That's the part I really hate about being a LBS. At least for me, it seems like when/if I get a break, it's only a short one. Then I remember all too well what is going on in my life.
I have got to get past this point and move on. And yet after 34 years with someone, that's the hard part, isn't it?
One day at a time, one foot in front of the other.