The first three stages are suppose to be running away stages and the last three are suppose to be returning.
ON HS we only have 4 stages, OP. :
From RCR MLC stages:
Pre-Midlife: Accommodation
1. Separation
a.Rejection & Refusal
c.Escape & Avoid (Covert Depression)
High-Energy: Reply
Low-Energy: Wallow
2, Liminality or Liminal/Overt Depression
3. Rebirth
4. Reintegration
HB has six:
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Replay
4. Depression
5. Withdrawal
6. Acceptance.
RCR does not count denial, anger, depression and withdrawal as stages, since those things, expecially the first three, are present during the whole of her first stage, Separation, that includes Escape & Avoid. Withdrawal can also be present at several stages. And deprssion, denial and anger do not automatically go away after Escape & Avoid.
As much as we are going through hell from what I can tell the OW is not the object of their affection. More like an object to be used for whatever they want to use it for and the object's own feelings be damned.
Yes. But the OW/Om is also using the MLCer for their own purposes. The OW/Om is simply the one person (or people, for those with multiple lienators) who was (were) willing to get along the MLCer. It could had been anyone, providing they were up to it,
What really matters is that you are happy with you choice and you learn from MLC
If MLCers are happy with their choices, why do they soon look miserable? Why are they angry, depressed, bitter? If they were happy with their choices, they would not be that way, would they? And I am still to see what has a MLCer learned from MLC. As for learning, I don't know what peope that have had a MLC have learned. While deep in crisis they don't seem to learn much.
Personal happiness at the expense of causing pain to others is not happiness. It is just being selfish.
But this thread is about Limbo & Awakening, not about MLCers happiness.
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. (Marilyn Monroe)