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Author Topic: MLC Monster Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9

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MLC Monster Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#10: September 29, 2019, 03:47:21 PM

BD 3 years ago, H moved out 2 years ago.
He is now saying he will never come home as he doesn’t want to ever feel like he did again (he also has a OW2). So it’s like his memory of the last year or so of us living together was so bad (MLC) that he relates it to our marriage and won’t go back to that. Did you ever think like this? Or when you became properly aware was it obvious that although the end was bad that was not the marriage, that was your MLC?

In essence ‘I had a depressive crisis during my marriage, now I am happier so wont go back to my marriage in case I feel like that again’.

Hope that made sense!

Sis, I brought this question over from the end of the last thread in case it’s easier for you here, and also so I can attach to this thread!
Rose 🌹
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Married 15+ years with 2 children
BD1 - 2016
BD2 - 2017
BD3 - Sept 2019
MOW Mar 2016-Jan 2018
OW2 - Feb 2019, age 30
H left home Oct 2017 to stay with his parents
Bought a family Puppy mid 2018 - referred to as ‘P’

Link to advice by my mentor, Phoenix, on what to tell the children about H leaving - reply #33 (it had a glitch)

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#11: October 01, 2019, 08:01:21 PM
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"And when they ask you about me and you find yourself thinking back on all of our memories,
I hope you ache in regret as the truth hits you like a bullet and you find yourself replying: ""She loved me more than anyone else in the entire world and I tried to destroy her."  He failed by the way.'s thread)

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#12: October 01, 2019, 08:27:02 PM
You know I'm here for the ride Shocks  ;D

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W - 44
M - 47
Together 28 years, M 25
No kids
BD - 27th April 2019
Start of Shadow - Feb 2012

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#13: October 02, 2019, 12:15:24 AM
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#14: October 02, 2019, 07:15:00 AM
Attaching!  Thanks for taking your time to answer all our questions and concerns!
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10.29.17 BD-Moved out to OW/A began in  6.17
3.5.18 OW moved away/H moved in with F
3.19.18  H moved home
7.14.18  Moved to be with OW
9.4.18  Moved back-At Parents 
11.1.18  OW back.  H living w/her in D's basement 
11.18 - H started visiting on holidays
11.26.18 Call from H.  BIL died suddenly.
1.19 - H announced  that he moved to sisters
2.19  H volunteers to house and dog sit whenever.
Spring 19  H visiting house and doing chores on a regular basis
7.20 OW2 Confirmed  5 hrs away 
Summer of 2020 Less help with chores
Early Spring 2021 - helping with chores again then stopped and is getting more distant gradually
9/21 distancing growing worse...hardly see or hear from H
4/22 getting in touch more but sporadically

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#15: October 02, 2019, 11:53:46 AM
Also a big BIG thank you from me, Shock's sis! You have no idea how much your explanation means to me and almost everyone else on HS.

I think I understand a lot of MLC, just from listening (and reading) without judgement. Of course not all IS to be understood, because the mind is a powerful and mysterious thing.

What's hard for me to understand and is so painful is the following (and I hope you can give me some insight on that):

In the fog you're living a fantasy life. That's what I hear from a lot of ex-MLC'ers. The painful thing is: why couldn't that fantasy person be me (or any other LBS)? Of course I know a great deal of the answer, because we hear about it all the time. It's just that, if you have a fantasy then it's usually about something that you REALLY want. So if I hear someone say that the OW was JUST a fantasy, it feels like a blow in the stomach. Why wasn't I that fantasy?

Rationally I know why. But it still hurts, haha. When your feelings had returned was your ex-H your "fantasy" guy again? Or is it more like: I can't hold on to a fantasy, so I will have to do with second best and that would be my LBS.

Now that I'm writing it down it seems like a real strange question, lol. But it has been on my mind for a long time now and I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Thanks in advance, strong lady! ;-)

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Together: since 1995
Married: June 7th 2003
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BD: June 9th 2017
OW my BFF (B stands for Barf lol): July 15th 2017
Moved in with OW: September 2017
Divorced: July 2018
Started out as a Clinging Boomerang, after 19 months he became an off and on. Haven't seen him in about 3 years, hadn't talked to him for 2,5 years until I contacted him December 2020 to wish him a Merry Xmas. Now I contact him every few months. He contacted me for the first time since no contact on his birthday July 19th. Thanked me for giving him his space and started flirting with me. After that (as expected) crickets. He's lucky that I'm a very patient woman. ;-)

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#16: October 02, 2019, 12:41:47 PM

  I'm just giving my opinion on the fantasy ow. What I understand is this person is, basically, playing the roll of the parent that caused the most damage to our MLCer while they were growing up. From what I know about my MIL she is a narcissist type, thinks only of herself, doesn't know how to show love, was and still is a drug addict and very manipulative and money hungry. H was an alcoholic by the age of 9. His dad lived across the country and was not in his life for most of his life. Knowing all this I'm glad that I am not who he uses for his fantasy ow. Actually makes me feel good about myself. I have morals and respect for myself. They are called an affair done for a reason.

Stand tall

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When the power of love overcomes the love of power there will be peace.

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass its about learning to dance in the Rain

Be a pineapple; Stand tall. Wear a crown. Be sweet on the Inside.

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#17: October 02, 2019, 12:59:53 PM
Swap the word "fantasy" for "delusion." I think that is a more accurate description. Do you really want to be part of your spouse's recreation of their miserable childhood? I think you need to look past the words these MLCers use and look at the substance of what is going on to really understand it.
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#18: October 02, 2019, 02:42:33 PM
I completely agree with both Stand Tall and NYM. The fantasy is more like a nightmare, especially looking back at it.
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 9
#19: October 02, 2019, 03:28:40 PM
Thanks for your reactions, ST, NYM and MBIB. Believe me, I do know how it works.  ;) I just want to hear what Shock's Sis has to say about it.

I don't post much, but I really understand a great deal of the MLC (as far as you can understand it). One of the reasons I know so much about it, is that I ask a lot of questions. I have a real life ex-MLC'er and his wife as my friends and he is my "Shock's Sis", hehe.

He's been back home for almost 3 years now and I can ask him anything and everything. Like SS, he's very open about what happened to them and that has given me so much insight. It's nice to also hear it from another person.

For myself, I'm living a good life. BD was in june 2017 and since then I've got myself a great new job, the house in my name, I throw parties, go out with friends a lot, go on vacation, and so on. I am happy just being me. I've always been that way to be honest. So when my ex-H left, I didn't have to work on myself more than I already did. Life is about working on yourself day to day in my humble opinion. I have a lot of fun, but I also give myself room to grieve. When I'm sad, I'm sad. And when that's done, I go on with my business.

I understand that he has to go through this and there's nothing I can do but leaving him alone. In the first year after BD he has told me a lot of what he was going through, before he went in deep.

I'm sorry for the hijack, Shockandawe and Shock's Sis! I started writing and made it into a novel.  :-[
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Together: since 1995
Married: June 7th 2003
No kids
BD: June 9th 2017
OW my BFF (B stands for Barf lol): July 15th 2017
Moved in with OW: September 2017
Divorced: July 2018
Started out as a Clinging Boomerang, after 19 months he became an off and on. Haven't seen him in about 3 years, hadn't talked to him for 2,5 years until I contacted him December 2020 to wish him a Merry Xmas. Now I contact him every few months. He contacted me for the first time since no contact on his birthday July 19th. Thanked me for giving him his space and started flirting with me. After that (as expected) crickets. He's lucky that I'm a very patient woman. ;-)


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