Thanks for your reactions, ST, NYM and MBIB. Believe me, I do know how it works.

I just want to hear what Shock's Sis has to say about it.
I don't post much, but I really understand a great deal of the MLC (as far as you can understand it). One of the reasons I know so much about it, is that I ask a lot of questions. I have a real life ex-MLC'er and his wife as my friends and he is my "Shock's Sis", hehe.
He's been back home for almost 3 years now and I can ask him anything and everything. Like SS, he's very open about what happened to them and that has given me so much insight. It's nice to also hear it from another person.
For myself, I'm living a good life. BD was in june 2017 and since then I've got myself a great new job, the house in my name, I throw parties, go out with friends a lot, go on vacation, and so on. I am happy just being me. I've always been that way to be honest. So when my ex-H left, I didn't have to work on myself more than I already did. Life is about working on yourself day to day in my humble opinion. I have a lot of fun, but I also give myself room to grieve. When I'm sad, I'm sad. And when that's done, I go on with my business.
I understand that he has to go through this and there's nothing I can do but leaving him alone. In the first year after BD he has told me a lot of what he was going through, before he went in deep.
I'm sorry for the hijack, Shockandawe and Shock's Sis! I started writing and made it into a novel.