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Author Topic: Off-Topic Anjae

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Off-Topic Re: Anjae
#30: October 14, 2019, 10:20:59 AM
Ready, thank you very much for posting Anjae's message, at least now we have some idea of what happened.

Old Pilot, I suspected there might be a 'good' reason why you all/RCR decided to ban Anjae, but I'm not a child and I expect the respect of being informed when someone I invested years of my life with is removed - puff! just like that. Feels like a mini-BD, and you all know how sensitive we LBSs are now to people pulling the rug on us.

My opinion of Anjae's violations as she describes them: minor.  Of course, the secrecy is probably aimed at giving me the impression that the violation was extremely serious so unless you all want to share with the rest of us, I won't know.

I can only base my opinions on the information I have so far. Anjae might not be everyone's cup of tea, so what? Can't we live and let live? She's not telling people to hurt others, she's not calling standers stupid. She's offered so much support, a different point of view, whether you like her or not, you can count on her. She will be here.

I think the best lesson, if someone is not following set rules, is to inform them and everyone and give them a chance to apologize/correct. That way if there really is something serious, we can learn. What can we possibly learn from throwing out people whose writing we don't like? Like I said, she didn't offend people, she listens, she sympathizes. If you don't agree with her, you don't have to. Like someone else said, this is life.

I don't want to belong to a cult. I don't want to feel it's the Hunger Games. I felt safe here. It took me years to build up the courage to post too because I worried I'd get 2X4s. But you know what, getting the unwanted comments helped me grow.

We have done so well here. So many of us have been saved by this site. Please let's give each other a chance to speak and correct. And please, when we ask for answers about one of our members, don't leave us in the dark. We deserve more. I say this as a huge fan of HS.
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Re: Anjae
#31: October 14, 2019, 10:22:46 AM
I see. Thank you. So, if RCR were to clarify the rationale for the change, that would be sufficient for you to consider the issue resolved? Or of course to decide that this is not the site you signed up for initially which is your right too, as it is for the rest of us.

I am going to only repeat this once. I simply am not interested in answering your question because it is not a priority topic in my life. I have more pressing things to do and think about. Not all of us are interested in analyzing the motives of everyone in this forum.

I see. Well thank you for sharing your priorities and POV so clearly, NYM.
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Re: Anjae
#32: October 14, 2019, 10:26:11 AM
Nothing wrong with that at all OP.  I just didn't see that happen in this case, BUT....I've been gone awhile so could have easily missed it.  But thank you for the clarification that 2 accounts is okay, so long as they aren't abused.


She created another account last night and posted with it. She also PM'ed me (and maybe others from it). To be honest, at first I had no idea who she was when she wrote to me and said she was banned. I had to ask her who she was. I have to admit I was the last person I expected she would have PM'ed under the circumstances.  ;D

Thank you for the clarification.  I did indeed miss that.  Big oppsie on her part.  Although her posting style was a bit brash at times, I for one will miss her and feel the ban was a bit on the excessive side.  Repeating my earlier comment, I just don't think she belongs in the same category as RuggedEndurance (who also received a lifetime ban iirc).

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« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 10:29:20 AM by terrified_in_TN »

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Re: Anjae
#33: October 14, 2019, 10:39:33 AM
Although there was never a formal notification regarding the tagline - I think, from reading RCR's posts, that it seems that her opinion on the outcomes for MLCers has changed.

It has been mentioned that the tone of HS has changed in the last year and a half. If that is in fact the case, wasn’t it about that time frame that HS tag line changed from being a Site for Standers to being one for the support for LBS’rs? 

I have noted the change in tagline previously and expressed surprise at it. To me it feels like a bit of a bait and switch. We came to the forum on one premise and then that premise has been discarded. RCR may have her reasons for that change, but I for one would appreciate an explanation for it.


Re: Anyone else have a vanisher 22
« Reply #89 on: October 03, 2019, 03:15:03 PM »

I do not believe that most MLCers will want to return once they are out of MLC. Some will and it will even go so far as to communicate such a desire, some will and yet will not let you or anyone know—so how can they be part of the YES stat…they can’t. Some will not be interested at all and some will not think of it as an option, thereby not allowing themselves to consider it. But most, no, I don’t think so.

Now on the other most come out of MLC, I want very much to believe that and yet I no longer have an opinion other than I don't know. I know of many that don't...of course, they could come out many many years later, but where do we draw the line? An MLCer can get stuck, but they can get unstuck too. But for those fantasy stats we don't have, shouldn't we include some ending time in our thoughts about whether most do or do not return... At X years after Bomb Drop most MLCers will have exited the crisis... Or at X years after MLC many MLCers will have exited, but many will also be stuck and may or may not exit in the future...

...I was one of those who took such a stat and ran with it. Someone said that 80% of MLCers return—not simply that they would want to return. I took it and spread it all over DB. I heard it at Jim Conway’s chat—can’t recall from who, but I think the person was a moderator and probably an OldTimer. I thought they were repeating something Jim had said and though his MLC situation was mild relative to what many of us here have and will experience, I respect the man for doing his research. I stopped spreading the stat only after asking Jim himself—he had not heard it and did not know who was saying it.
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Re: Anjae
#34: October 14, 2019, 10:47:17 AM
Thank you for posting that Airmid. I had remembered seeing that somewhere, or hearing about it, but didn't recall the actual post. I think that's important info for us all to absorb.

And just for the record - the second account was created a couple of nights ago when the entire event happened, not since the banning. A lot of us heard directly from Anjae with it, and as she stated in her message, she told RCR about it, too.
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Re: Anjae
#35: October 14, 2019, 10:59:00 AM

Treasur, to be honest, I am not going to answer your question simply because what you are asking me about is so inconsequential in the big scheme of my life that you would just suck me into a waste of my time to answer it.

This is quite rude.
This is also a great example of what is contributing to the change of atmosphere on the forum.

First, you are very forthcoming about the fact that you are here to take but not give.  That's fine, and points to you for being honest about it.
But you ARE here.  So you are seemingly getting something out of the forum and its members.  So why so rude to the members you are benefiting from?

If the members you deem "hostile to the mission" or not at your intellectual level all left, you'd get far less benefit from the forum.
(And on the subject of intellect, we get the point from both your subtext and your blatant jabs:  You would feel far more at home at a Mensa meeting than you do at HS. 
You may have a high IQ or more education than some here, but it's not an excuse for your rudeness.)

You changed your username from Goner to Not Your Monkey after you were reprimanded for one of your many, many absolutely rude posts.
It does beg the question of why you find it beneficial to be here.  If you found it necessary to change your name to prove to RCR and the mods that you're "not their monkey" and you feel intellectually superior to the vast majority of people here and you are at odds with the mission statement, what keeps you coming back?

Other than, I suppose, the possibility of responses like this one from me that feed into your seeming love of drama. (Yes, I do know I'm feeding it.  I'm quite a lot smarter than you might think.  Maybe not on your level, but maybe I'll add that to my #LBSgoals.)
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Re: Anjae
#36: October 14, 2019, 11:22:46 AM
Ready2Transform, thank you very much for sharing Anjae’s message.
It is always better to have both sides of the story, I believe. 

Please pass on my sincere thanks to Anjae for her thoughtful and most helpful comments and POV, especially on my thread.  I found her honest, straightforward, wise and kind, even when some comments initially did not sit well with me.  But then, I would see that the uncomfortable parts of me are exactly what I need to see and work on. 

And, I think she is one of the best at detecting BS and calling them out.
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Re: Anjae
#37: October 14, 2019, 11:23:16 AM
I always liked Anjaes comments. Some were harder to hear than others. But I always felt she had a great deal of compassion even if it didn’t necessarily translate. I’ll miss her!
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Re: Anjae
#38: October 14, 2019, 11:52:40 AM
Anjae has been banned after I notified her that she was being sanctioned at a higher level for Code of Conduct violations—she was already under sanction. This is an excerpt from PM to me:
Hi again, RCR.

I believe you are aware I can create a new account, as many members do. It will be a new account and user name, therefore a diffent user. Since I want to keep posting, I may do just that. Why am I telling you this, because I play fair.

I was completely willing to continue her original sanction status or increase it to a temporary period of no posting had it only been a threat. By the time I returned to the board she had already created her additional account. Anjae has not been banned because of what or how she posts. She has not been banned simply for creating a second account; that in itself is not against the rules. She has been banned for her abusive purpose in creating that account—that purpose being to get around being sanctioned and not follow the Code of Conduct. Membership on this site is a privilege; Anjae lost that privilege by blatantly refusing to abide by the rules of the site. She has had a history of disrespecting the rules and I have spoken to her multiple times. This is not something that began when I created the Code of Conduct or even 18 months ago. She has a history of complaints against her and as I said, I have spoken to her multiple times.

I like Anjae and did not want it to come to this. I hate banning, but she crossed the line.

Yes, there are many others who violate the code. If you have a problem with a post, PLEASE Report it by selecting the report to moderator link at the bottom right of each post. I reviewed old reports and there were very few. This means most complaints are going unreported. I have read references to some of these issues—some in PMs to me and others in public posts, but no direct reporting to me or through the system. I am also looking for a modification to add that will notify me personally when a report is made. For me to take action, I need to be told there is a problem. I need to be told this in detail--reporting a post will take me to the post; most who reference indirectly don't give me a link or even a thread title for searching. Then I need your reason for reporting the post. The report is not anonymous in that the moderators and I can see who reports--others cannot. If you prefer complete anonymity you may submit to me through the Ask A Question box at the main site and blog.

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Re: Anjae
#39: October 14, 2019, 11:55:29 AM
But then, I would see that the uncomfortable parts of me are exactly what I need to see and work on. 

I love this, for all of us.
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The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you shall be free. ~ Margaret Atwood


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