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Author Topic: MLC Monster Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10

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MLC Monster Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#60: November 01, 2019, 06:30:43 AM

NYM, I respect your opinion as I would expect you to respect mine. You have not lived my life and have no concept of my MLC nor my ex h.

So why do you generalize about MLCers as if you have a concept about THEIR MLC and the LBSes on here?

You get a lot of questions from members of this forum asking for predictions about the trajectory of their MLCer's MLC or your opinion on what they are thinking, etc. and you answer them.

So if I have no concept of your MLC (after 12 threads of you talking about it!?!) or your XH, how is it that YOU have a concept of others' MLC that you can answer their questions with such certainty? Do you have psychic powers?
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#61: November 01, 2019, 06:35:13 AM
Thunder - thank you.
All I've seen is anger from the beginning, so I guess I thought that was just the early phases of MLC.

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#62: November 01, 2019, 06:39:22 AM
NYM (Goner),

Sis has never proclaimed to know any of our MLC’ers.  Not once.

I think you would antagonize Santa Claus.
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#63: November 01, 2019, 07:08:29 AM

So why do you generalize about MLCers as if you have a concept about THEIR MLC and the LBSes on here?

You get a lot of questions from members of this forum asking for predictions about the trajectory of their MLCer's MLC or your opinion on what they are thinking, etc. and you answer them.

So if I have no concept of your MLC (after 12 threads of you talking about it!?!) or your XH, how is it that YOU have a concept of others' MLC that you can answer their questions with such certainty? Do you have psychic powers?

NYM, seriously, this is starting to seem a bit weird now, insisting people have things they have not said withou giving examples.  I'm not even sure what you are trying to acheive tbh....sounds like you just don't want ShockSis to post bc you have decided that other people will think certain things if they read her posts Tbh it isn't the first time you have been rather aggressive towards ShockSis and I would prefer it if you would stop bc I believe it is verging on a kind of personal bullying now.

People ask ShockSis some version of 'Did you....?' from what I can see. She replies with something like 'I did/I felt' plus often a reassuring note that it isn't the LBS's fault and they should just get on with their lives if their MLCer is in Replay. I just don't remember seeing her say well, I did this so your h/w will do this too.

If others choose to believe that just bc ShockSis's experience was x, that means that x is true in their situation? Really not her responsibility if they fill that gap in without her involvement. People sometimes do the same with RCR....despite being shown words that say the exact opposite. Even by RCR herself sometimes  ::) :)

There are discussion on these threads which ShockSis does not initiate or take part in from what I can see. Again, not her responsibility. If you don't like what she posts, stop reading or posting on her threads. As she politely asked you to do.  If you are concerned about the conclusions that others reach, other than frankly letting them decide for themselves  :), make your arguments on their threads or start your own thread to discuss and explore these opinions witn others.
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« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 07:33:52 AM by Treasur »
T: 18  M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#64: November 01, 2019, 07:16:56 AM
My, oh my, oh my...

PLEASE - this is ridiculous.

First - why are we polluting Shocks Sis's thread with unrelated posts?
split off by RCR

Second - There is no need for ANY comment which makes ANY LBS feel badly, intentionally or not.
We should always post with the intention of raising up the other LBSs, OR question them or their actions/beliefs in a loving manner.

Third - What have you LBSers learned?  Why do you even respond to an acerbic comment? 
ZIPNORE as Milly says!
Please just disregard.  No need to defend yourself or anyone else (not a fixer)...
The poster will get tired of not getting feedback...
Sound like MLC?"?"?

Love and PEACE to you all!

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« Last Edit: November 02, 2019, 11:46:21 AM by Rollercoasterider »

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#65: November 01, 2019, 07:26:58 AM
Sea, fair point and I edited my post a bit based on it.( don't worry, nobody missed anything exciting but I was a bit more strident and general than I wanted to be)
Mea culpa...sometimes I just get an allergic reaction to people who state personal opinions as facts. Or who are being a bit nasty towards someone who has politely asked them to stop.  My echoes,  my responsibility, occasionally fail to zipnore and my inner snark is released (it is an Oxford educated snark so it sounds really snotty and pretentious as only an English person can do lol)
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« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 07:30:40 AM by Treasur »
T: 18  M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.

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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#66: November 01, 2019, 09:30:08 AM
Hi Sis.

I've learned that you just can't win with some people so I usually just ignore them. The forum offers a tool that makes it easier to ignore specific members by blocking their posts. You still see that they've posted but their text isn't displayed unless you choose to have it displayed. I don't often block members but I've found a few that it has been best to block for my own piece of mind. They are usually people who I wouldn't choose to hang out with offline and so I also choose not to hang out with them online.

To block a member's posts you start by selecting Profile from the menu at the top of the forum. Next you select Buddies/Ignore List from the Modify Profile section on the left side of the page. Then you'll see two tabs near the middle of the page, Edit Buddies and Edit Ignore List. Select Edit Ignore List and then add the name of the forum member using the Add to Ignore List section at the bottom of the page. That's all there is to it. Then you can continue to read the forum without being bothered by that person's negativity.

I hope you and your sisters and your families are enjoying the first day of November. Now that Halloween is over Christmas music should be playing in all of the stores. :)
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#67: November 01, 2019, 09:34:36 AM
As I began to feel confusion and anger right at the beginning, before the fog descended fully I thought that was the worst part because I had all these mixed emotions ranging from a feeling of desperate sadness to this building dislike of my ex h. I felt lost and desperately lonely and didn’t know who I was. I couldn’t understand why I felt like this and began to form the idea it had to be because of my ex h. He brought about all of these feelings and if I could escape him then I would be happy.

Pre MLC I thought this was the worst time because I detached from him and began to live this selfish and all consuming fantasy of what I now know was total fantasy. My actions during this time were just completely self motivated and entirely about me. You would think I would be happy to have what I thought I wanted but it was escapism and rather than face what I was trying to run from I became faster at running so to speak. It was exhausting as I tried to ignore my moments of (sanity?) clarity. MLC was all consuming as you don’t get to bypass anything as once on this path I had to complete the journey. It’s like being on a hamster wheel, it didn’t matter how hard and fast I ran or how long I was running when I got out of the wheel I was back where I started but time had moved on.

Looking back now none of it was good but ALL of it was necessary.

Hi Shock Sis,
If the worst time for you was pre-MLC, was there a time during the crisis where you actually felt happy and content?   

I asked this before (post#52) but shortly after this thread took off with a life of its own and this question may have got left behind.

Thank you.  And,,,I for one very much appreciate reading your thoughts and comments.  The criticisms you are getting from some (one) poster are pretty typical regardless of who is addressed.  It sounds like you are not taking it personally anyway 🙂
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#68: November 01, 2019, 10:40:20 AM
For me the worst part was the latest past of Reply, when I couldn't find the exit anymore.
My depression became covert

At that point I couldn't ignore to deal with my issues anymore. I was forced to deal with it.
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Re: Shocks sis recovered MLCer 10
#69: November 01, 2019, 11:14:14 AM
For me the worst part was the latest past of Reply, when I couldn't find the exit anymore.

Interesting Busy--what do you mean by this?  You mean escape from the hurt? Fantasy was not working anymore?

And did you mean the depression became overt?  B/c, and I could be working, but I think covert depression is basically replay--doing all kinds of "exciting" things to avoid the depression.
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Me 50
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BD 5/16
H Moved out 6/16
OW--yes. Worked for H. EA turned into PA while I was in chemo. On again/off again like every high school romance


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