No offense taken; part of the reason for the original post was to elicit this kind of feedback!
I put it out to a different set of folks and am enjoying the contrast in opinions and the verifying through everyone’s personal responses. One thing that is heartening to see is that even among the dedicated astrology buffs, people who have completed the transit are clear that while their years of transit were difficult, it was on-the-ground and internal issues that made it so.
My inner jury is out on whether it is total silliness. While not something to dictate life’s choices and actions or personal behaviors, and definitely not a great excuse for any negative, I can’t help but think it’s got some truth to do with how we are, how we care, etc. But I also know it’s a rabbit hole and more complex and mathematical than my own life has time for.
With the idea of “hogwash” last night, I looked at the factors in select branches of the family tree. It was interesting to remember why I loved these people and how I felt they understood me. And then to see certain aspects that were shared, and that “made sense”, or that would to those who value astrology beyond the Buzzfeed or Cosmo magazine horoscope. It’s an odd comfort to see the factors that are “like me” in the elders that I felt were indeed a lot like me, and reminds me what strengths and stories they showed in life, that I may now leverage to weather my own.
I’m not making a case for it, exactly, but explaining background. I have had it around me lifelong and so can see reasons it is valued. Another aspect of it for me is maybe like MBTI or enneagrams, genograms and ancestral DNA. Whether astronomical or astrological, those twelve signs have featured in human life for such a long time. Astronomical clocks come to mind, like the Orloj in Prague that was built centuries ago.
If nothing else, another reason for the thread is to find others here who have that language, at least, and can use it lightly in common conversation as needed when things are tough. As lunar phases, eclipses, and Mercury retrograde have entered common culture, with an eye toward all this MLC business it seems like good time for Chiron to be discussed also.
Still with an eye toward “hogwash”, it was interesting to see that in my own life, xh *stopped* creating havoc once his transit began. So his MLC worst was prior to the transit altogether. And he’s plenty nice now. But is not my h.
And this is still in Halloween spirit — just seeing how folks feel about it here. THANK you all for counterbalance!