Look, it's easy to fall for the stuff that people tell you on this site in the beginning but after a few years into your spouse's MLC, a person should have developed their own perspective and thoughts on the situation, especially their OWN situation. I worry if someone is NOT questioning what they are taught at that point. Then they aren't facing reality.
This site didn't teach me to stand. I came to this site because it aligned with my already existing beliefs about standing. Five years later, I haven't developed my perspectives and thoughts, I've refined them, and I continue to believe in the value of standing.
If I were to follow NYM's argument to its alternate conclusion, if I would have landed on the Chump Lady site instead of this site, I would probably be following what I was taught on that site, meaning I would probably be remarried by now, possibly several times.
I realize that I am just a sample size of one, but I believe that all LBSes, even new ones, have a brain and are capable of thinking for themselves. I don't believe LBSes stand because that's what they're taught on this site. I believe they come to this site because standing aligns with their personal values and beliefs.
But let's just look at it in a really simple way, living with a stay at home MLCer is just going through a difficult time in our marriages. A difficult time, that if they never leave, eventually is likely to get better. If they do leave, well then they have left and the marriage is over. Anything beyond that really is just making it more complex than it needs to be.
This perfectly illustrates a fundamental difference between me and NYM. NYM believes she has a troubled marriage. I believe that I have a spouse who is going through a crisis. Whether there is an alienator or not doesn't change the fact that my wife is in crisis. Whether she moves out or not doesn't change the fact that she is in crisis. Whether she divorces me or not doesn't change the fact that she is in crisis.
Drawing a line in the sand is fine but what if doing so restricts the MLCer's ability to work through their crisis? It's possible that the LBS who manages to keep the MLCer from leaving may end up in a "bad marriage" with a spouse who is in crisis for the rest of their life. If you consider the MLC to be a growth experience, leaving home may be a vital part of that growth experience.
I'm not sure about this last part but I'm going to post it anyway. It may not apply to all MLCers but it seems to apply to the majority. It's quite common for LBSes to question whether their spouse is actually going through an MLC. I think most of us have done it. One thing that might cause me to question whether someone was going through an MLC is if the supposed MLCer were willing to change to accommodate the LBS's demands. Most MLCers don't care whether the LBS wants them to stay or leave, they do whatever they want to do. I would wonder about an MLCer who stayed home because they were told to stay "or else".
I think SamIAm summed things up pretty well. I'm also starting to wonder what this discussion has to do with Sis's thread. Maybe somebody should report a hijacking.