NotinLimbo inspired me to update
Probably a bit premature to report but here goes anyway....
I have done something that I never would have thought I would do 3 or even 2 years ago. I have applied for a job as a Flight Attendant with H's company
. The reason I never would have thought I would do this is:
a) it puts a lot more eggs in H's basket because if the $h!te hits the fan again, I would be the one to leave
b) it puts me actually working with one of the ow's (who I predict will like me even less than she liked D22 when she was a FA with them)
c) the training is tough - some say unnecessarily tough. D21 is a smart cookie and she worked her arse off when she did the 3 week ground school. She did have her eye on a the pilot cadetship with the company and ended up with the best recorded scores ever. I just have to pass. That should be tough enough since they lost 4 of the last 7 that went through.
Why am I doing this then you ask?
a) Its a gig on their regional carriers - 34 seat Saab and solo flight attendant. Which automatically makes you the cabin manager too
b) their clientele are awesome. Country folks and Dr's etc. D21 came to love a lot of them.
c) better hours than I am doing now and more money
It all came about when I was last visiting D22 at the training academy she is living in while completing her cadetship. I sat on the Saab like many times before and thought, I love this aircraft. I mentioned that to D22. She jumped on talking me into applying and before I knew it, I was talking to one of their head trainers (who I have met socially over the years) and she then got excited and encouraged me also.
I thought we were going to hit a snag because shortly after I applied, they held interviews and I wasn't in them. H saw the trainer in the office by chance a few days later and she showed him an email from another senior who said something about crew dynamics being a problem. She thought that was rubbish and was going to follow it up but before she got a chance to, I got invited to the next round of interviews. It was a group session initially and then I got invited back for a one on one. I was very curious about what the vibe would be because it seems that someone somewhere does not want this to happen. I can't say I blame them because I would also have to fly with the guy that H thinks might have been behind his stalker problems last year. And also the chick who was going out with that guy years ago who actually stalked H too. It could be a bit of a mine field - although not because of me. Weirdly, I felt like the interview was a genuine opportunity and I am now waiting to hear more after being informed that I have made it to the ref checking stage.
The next stage from here would be that 3.5 week ground school and successful completion of that would put me on a hold file. I do know that they are looking to fill 4 vacancies in our city but I am not guaranteed to get one of them. I have therefore applied for leave with my current airline and would plan to come back and continue working for them until a vacancy came up. I do love the airline I am working for now and I don't really want to leave but I want to do this other job more. D20 has now decided to apply for a FA role with my airline and she has been invited for an interview on the 21st of June. I think she will do well and we will probably end up switching companies. H's airline doesn't currently have domestic positions available in our city but mine does. I actually also think that mine is a better airline to work for so I think it would be a better fit for her.
And get this....the ground school I could be attending is being held in the same academy that D22 is currently living in so we would be dorm buddies
. She would be an excellent resource too, so all going well, I should pass it.
Before I even considered applying, I asked H what his thoughts were. Is this too much? I know that H worries about having almost all of his family in the same company and he feels kind of responsible if anyone is having an issue with management etc. He said he was fine with it and his actions seem to support this. I think he is low key excited about the idea of me working for them (not sure on his reasons really). We probably wouldn't ever really get to fly together because he is always doing checking in the simulator and rarely gets to fly the normal routes. He has to be a little bit nervous about how I will react to flying with one of the ow because up to now, I won't even go anywhere that I think she is. Don't get me wrong, I am not looking forward to having to face this but I can't let it stand between me and what I want. I am just a bit pissed that it is something I now need to work through.
H is still trucking along on an even keel. He regularly goes long periods of time without drinking now but he continues to live while on these little challenges. What I mean is, we don't have to hibernate while he does them because temptation is too great. We will still go to pubs, parties or into other situations he would have previously drank in and he either drinks soft drink or non-alcoholic beer.
Small updates on other things I have mentioned in the past. SIL is now deep in some sort of crisis that is very visible to all. She is constantly harassing all members of the family to try and get them to tell H that he needs to apologise to her for a text he sent a few months ago. She blocked him and so he removed her number. Not quite sure how this apology is supposed to happen but H is not interested anyway because he knows that it won't be the right words. A conversation with her is still impossible by all accounts because she ends up in a screaming crying mess when it comes to the subject of H. He is still scratching his head about what he actually did wrong in the first place which resulted in her calling him a liar and him then sending his angry text (which he didn't mean to send.....he pressed send accidentally while swatting a mosquito).
I also mentioned that when ow's sister checked H and I in at the airport that time, I thought she was sweet. The next time I saw her, she was much more salty. I actually asked H if it was her because the demeanour was quite different. She wasn't serving us and she was in a different uniform but that wouldn't account for the change in vibe. Living on her doorstep (the academy is at the airport) for 3.5 weeks probably aint gonna make her day either
Anyway, I will let y'all know how I get on and will probably need to vent here if/when I start with the company because I will be working through stuff that I could probably only talk about here. Life sure does take some funny little turns doesn't it?