I have continued to ponder if it was worth it since I posted this yesterday. The comments all give me another perspective to consider and Malificient,,, it was interesting to read that your IC intentionally brought you to this point so you could accept and mourn the death of your M. I never thought of it from that angle but I think this could be exactly why this question just recently popped into my consciousness. It's my mind perhaps finally willing to pull whatever life support is left on my M and just let it die.
It's been a awhile now since I could visualize a reconciliation. My h has shown me over and over again in various ways that he is not someone that deserves to be in my life. But then,,, I am still so damaged, and the pain continues. Why still so much pain? Especially if I see him as someone I no longer want in my life, not that he's asking right now but I believe he will one day. I definitely don't like him, and probably don't love him either. I see him as the scumbag he has likely been his whole adult life.
The only answer I can come up with is the on-going pain has nothing to do with him being gone from my life, but all the other things I lost when he blew up my world. Tangible and intangible things. The damage is extensive. I will recover but I'll never be the same. He's gone but many of the wounds he inflicted are still open, raw and bleeding. I'm not even sure how to heal those wounds. All I know is the wounds were caused by him but it has nothing to do with the fact that he is gone and I don't miss him or want him back. I think it has a lot to do with being collateral damage for someone so selfish that what it did to me simply didn't matter to him and wasn't even considered. It was a completely inhumane act against me that I never in my wildest imagination could ever happen. Sure, it's always possible a marriage will end but I never in a million years thought it would be this way and I surely didn't appreciate the horrible wounds that are inflicted when it does end this way. The inhumanity of it,,, whether it comes from someone you love or someone you have never known who treats you inhumanly,,, is an incredibly deep wound that may bleed for a long time. The realization that MLC or not, my h had it in him to do such a horrible thing to another person is horrifying to me. Even more horrifying is he did it to me,,, after giving him 21 years of my life when he was my world and I treated him as such. How on earth could I ever go back and say anything other than,,, I would not do it again,,, not in a million years. Whatever other choice I could make would unlikely lead me to anything as dehumanizing and painful as this choice was. I keep coming back to the same answer. I would not do it again. This has to be one of the worst outcomes ever and I wish I had a crystal ball back then, because I wonder if I will ever get past the pain of being dehumanized and tossed aside. I will get past it but it will take a long time, and a lot of patience from anyone who is interested in me enough to try to gain my trust. I'm old enough that what's happened to me could be a life sentence. I hope not, but I know I still have a long way to go to get over the pain I'm feeling right now.
And,,, ugh,,, I know this is wrong and I have to work on this,,, but I hope he and she rot in hell for all they knowingly did to me for their own shallow pleasures. I need to forgive them both but in reality,,, I actually hate them both with such intensity because I was simply collateral damage and it almost destroyed me.