To me, the characteristics of a person who has finished their MLC journey would be different for each person who had the journey. While the script along the journey appears similar, and maybe many MLCers had similar traits, each was triggered by something we may never know that may or may not be dependent on some kind of previous trauma. If this is truly an identity crisis, the resulting identity will look different for each person. Some may end up more self concerned than before and it may not be a bad thing.
The only thing I can see that might end up across the board of MLCers is a contentment with the discovery of what they have finally become, an acceptance that this is who they are, and even if it isn't perfect, it's ok to not be perfect, it's ok to make mistakes and seek forgiveness, and it's ok if someone chooses not to forgive them for their errors. That who they are is enough as long as they do the best they can, learn from their mistakes, and seek to be the best them they can be moving forward.
It always feels to me like an MLCer is trying to fit themselves into a life, then proclaim "This who I am!! You have to accept it." like a petulant teenager following what the media says he/she is supposed to be, instead of discovering who they really are. Like they missed some stage in growing up. Who could be content being someone other than who they are? JMO.