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Author Topic: Off-Topic Full Moon Alert VI

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Off-Topic Full Moon Alert VI
#130: June 05, 2023, 04:25:31 AM
It did look good UM!
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Full Moon Alert VI
#131: July 04, 2023, 01:59:57 AM
It's time - the full moon was last night (night from July 3rd to 4th in Europe)


Tonight is The Full Stag Moon, so called because young male stags will start to grow their antlers at this time. It is also called the Thunder Moon because of the thunder storms brought on through the hot and humid air.
Change or be changed is the message of this Full Moon. Since the Summer Solstice you should have felt a sense of something shifting both within yourself and with the outside world, this is because we have crossed a line. The first half of the year is over. We have now entered the second half of the year. This a good time to look back over the last 6 months and look at what you have learned, what you have lost and what you have gained. Take lessons from what you have learned good or bad and use them in your future endeavours whether this be in work, relationships or family.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.
Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming. Emotions could hit extremes of both highs and lows and everything in between, with quick, inexplicably crazy shifts. We will experience storms in the sky and a few storms in our lives under the influence of the Thunder Moon energy.
Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.
Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the earth element of Capricorn take away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. With harvest just around the corner it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.

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Full Moon Alert VI
#132: July 19, 2023, 12:56:08 AM
Last night....

Tonight is a New Moon in the sign of Cancer. There is a wonderful spark to this New Moon. Something feels refreshing and even inspiring. Soak in the awesome energy.
This New Moon speaks of new life. It encourages us to have faith in our potential alongside a deep resolve to ensure that potential is fulfilled. Just as an acorn contains the imprint of the tree it will become, so too do we contain our future selves in a form within us, waiting, slumbering, gestating, until the time is right to come forth into life and purpose.
In the darkness of this New Moon we are invited to dream our future selves into being. This is an intuitive Moon that has so much it wants to share and ask us. There will be cosmic gifts coming your way be ready to receive them.
The Cancer New Moon reminds us that no matter how much we resist change, the fact is the change has already happened. We are already transformed, we just haven’t realised it yet, it wants us to stop striving now, to relax, be still and recognise the deep peace within, in which our potential is coming forth, it tells us there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. At this moment, right now, we have everything we need to be who we are meant to be. We are already complete.
This New Moon is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Crab. These include honouring our deepest and most intimate feelings, recognising the sense of security and safety we need from our homes, jobs, family, partners and friends, allowing ourselves to accept support and offer support to others who need help.
On this New Moon we will feel emotional, our feelings will be pulled in all directions making our heads spin, but let them come through, don't suppress them. Your feelings reveal what you truly love and value. They are your guidance system. Your passion for life is fueled by your feelings. They nourish your creative, artistic and intuitive abilities. In fact, having all the wealth in the world does not matter if you do not feel good. Your feelings count. Trust your emotional instincts on this New Moon. Tap into your deepest darkest feelings for they will reveal who you really are and what you truly want.
Take time to be near water such as a stream, lake, river, waterfall, rain, sea, ocean or take a bath. It is helpful to attune yourself to the Cancer water element, flow and be. this will refresh, renew, cleanse and heal you. Let the waters of Cancer wash over you and wash away negative energies.

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Full Moon Alert VI
#133: August 01, 2023, 07:26:03 AM
Full Moon tonight - there are 2 this month, one tonight and one on the 29th.....


If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a wind of change. The whole of earth is going through a massive transition at the minute, Summer is fading and Autumn is coming in, leaves are starting to change colour on the trees, plants and flowers are dying and seeding the earth for next Spring. But at the same time crops in fields are flourishing with the harvest, fruit is now at it's most ripest. We will feel this energy of transformation, we should use it to help transform and shape ourselves into what we want to be.

The Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius. The time is potent to follow our hearts and to create new pathways. We have shed our skin, now is the time to emerge and start turning the visions we have of ourselves into something real. There will be some deep emotional changes happening now, don't fight them, let them come to the surface we must move with the changes, allow what wants to come forth, and trust our inner knowing and guidance.

Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity will be at an all time high. You will be bursting with new ideas and energy. You could have sudden insights into the future and where it is you are going. Dreams will be wild and vivid and could even be prophetic. You can move from a breakdown to a breakthrough now. You are experiencing a transformation in consciousness, big changes are coming.

Sometimes your growth can feel weird and strange when you are no longer connecting to your past. But truly, the old way of living no longer works for you. You are experiencing new aspects of yourself and life. You are giving birth to the new you, and giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. There is so much to celebrate right now. Realise that to live out new, promising visions there's a need to restructure and grow. A new vision of the future will be illuminated, it is up to you what you do with it.

Most of all tonight's Full Moon will be about healing. Let the Air element of Aquarius blow away negative thoughts and feelings and take you on a journey of discovery. Let go of the past and welcome in the future. This is the harvest and it is time to start reaping what we have sown, your hard work will start paying off. Take the gifts life offers you and make the most of them.

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Full Moon Alert VI
#134: August 01, 2023, 07:55:01 AM
Super moon.
Change is slapping me upside my head this morning. It’s all in a good way, but still a bit unnerving.
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Re: Full Moon Alert VI
#135: August 28, 2023, 07:08:46 AM
I just read this:  :)

A rare super blue moon arrives this week. Here's how to see it.
CBS News
Updated August 28, 2023 at 8:13 AM
A rare super blue moon will shine in the sky as August wraps up.

The month already featured a supermoon as it began, but the second full supermoon of the month — which will appear on Aug. 30 — will also be a blue moon. A blue moon is not actually blue in color; the term signifies a second full moon within a single month.

August's first full moon rose on Aug. 1 and was the second of four consecutive supermoons. On average, supermoons are about 16% brighter than an average moon. They also appear bigger than the average full moon. According to NASA, it's similar to the size difference between a quarter and a nickel. The phenomenon occurs when the moon's orbit is closest to Earth at the same time the moon is full.

The Aug. 30 supermoon will appear to be even closer than the full moon at the beginning of the month. The last of the four consecutive supermoons this year will be the Sept. 28 "Harvest Moon."

The silhouette of treetops on a hill seen in front of the
The silhouette of treetops on a hill seen in front of the
Those who miss out on the blue moon will have quite a wait before the next one. While around 25% of full moons are supermoons, just 3% of full moons are blue moons, according to NASA. The next blue moon after the one on Aug. 30 will be in May 2026. Astronomy fans will be in for a special treat come 2037, which will feature super blue moons in January and March.

This Wednesday's super blue moon will reach its peak at 9:36 p.m. EDT. Those looking to the skies may also spot Saturn, which will be visible near the moon around 8:42 p.m. EDT and appear to swing clockwise around the moon as the evening progresses, according to NASA. Saturn should be visible just by looking up, but binoculars or a telescope will help viewers make out some of the planet's distinguishing features.

Saturn moved directly opposite the sun on Saturday night and will stay there through Sunday night, with the sun's illumination allowing the ringed planet to appear bigger and brighter in the sky, according to NASA. It will remain visible until February of next year.
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Full Moon Alert VI
#136: September 03, 2023, 09:30:14 AM
And here's what it all meant....


Tonight is a Blue Moon. The Blue Moon occurs when there are 2 Full Moons within the same month, this is the second Full Moon of August. The name Blue Moon comes from an ancient word which is 'Belewe' which means to betray, so the Blue Moon literally means Betrayer Moon. Monthly Moon phases were each given names, this helped farmers to prepare for various types of weather and crop rotations, so the extra Full Moon in a month would often confuse people giving it the name Betrayer Moon.

Tonight's Full Moon will also be a Supermoon. The Supermoon occurs when the Moon is the closest to the earth more than any other time of the year, making the Moon appear up to 30% bigger and brighter than usual. The Supermoon not only affects nature such as the tides and wildlife it also affects us, our emotions will be heightened, our senses will be sharp, things that were hidden or in the shadows can now be seen. A Supermoon amplifies the effects of a normal Moon, we will be feeling ultra-sensitive and emotional at this time.

There is so much happening around this Moon in terms of once-in-a-lifetime type chances. It’s as if we are all on the edge of something so big and we have to make the decision to take the path we’ve always taken, or to jump into the territory of new possibilities. Tonight's Full Super Blue Moon is very rare as there won't be another until 2037.

This Full Moon is in the sign of Pisces it is about celebrating our individuality, our little quirks that make us different from everybody else. Let your creativity come out. Do something a little different, dress a little differently, wear your hair a little differently, rebel against the norm. Take a walk on the weird side of life.

Our minds will be clear and uncluttered around now, we will be able to see things as they really are, we can take off our rose tinted glasses and take a good look at ourselves and the world around us as it is and not how we want it to be. This will also have us asking ourselves if we are happy with where we are and what what we're doing.

As amazing as this Moon will be, and necessary, it’s going to be one that challenges us on every single level. In the build up to this lunar event we may have been feeling restless, or have had an excess of nervous energy. Our pulses may have been racing and it may have been harder for us to relax or fall asleep at night. Our spirits can sense that we are on the verge of something big, but it’s up to us to initiate change. We are on the threshold of having massive pieces of the puzzle collide or fall into place.

There may be big changes or upsets in the status quo during the next several weeks. We may find ourselves acting in ways that only a few weeks ago we never thought possible, but Pisces is lighting a fire inside of our hearts and daring us to break the boundaries that have held us back for far too long.

While we may feel anxious at all of the possible changes being presented to ourselves, know that the universe won’t bring us anything we aren’t ready for. The truth of it is there is no such thing as the perfect time, so now is as good a time as any.

Everything that we have been going through the past year has been leading up to this Moon. It’s the time of infinite possibilities, of desires bubbling over and manifesting themselves in our lives in ways we never thought possible. No matter what has come in or out of our lives in the past few years, once in a while we are given the chance to have everything we’ve always wanted, we just have to make the choice now to not let it go.

Because certain chances only come around once in a Blue Moon.

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Me - 61, xW - 54
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Full Moon Alert VI
#137: September 14, 2023, 05:51:33 AM
Tonight is the New Moon for September - written from a VERY Northern Hemisphere perspective....


Tonight is the September New Moon in the sign of Virgo. The earth is going through a major transition at the moment, dark is taking over light, cold is taking over warmth, death is taking over life as we speed into Autumn. We will be able to see and feel these energies all around us. We can also use these energies of transformation, to become what we want to be, to shed our skin and start a fresh and make changes that will improve our lives.
With this New Moon we are essentially working on a blank canvas where our ideas can gestate into reality. We can create the world around us and shape our futures to what we want, we just need to be willing to put in the work. All work done around the Virgo New Moon will pay off and give big rewards. This New Moon brings attention to the details and is asking you to listen to your conscience or rather the wise voice from inside, look deep within yourself and ask yourself what it is that will make you happy, what will make you feel whole.
Now is the perfect time to push ourselves and to get things done, make lists of tasks and tick them off one by one. Virgo is the worker sign and you will get great pleasure from getting jobs done. Do work on your home or start a new project or hobby. There is nothing better than working hard on something, seeing the results and reaping the rewards of your labour. You can also strengthen your financial foundation. Set your intention for a financial increase this Autumn. Think big and dream big.
Virgo rules awareness of the body and mind, making full use of resources, attention to details, organisation, self-preservation skills, order, and critical thinking. Virgo sees flaws in systems, whether those systems are our daily routines, the methods we work with on our jobs, our relationships, or our bodies. Striving for perfection can be a wonderful thing, as long as we don’t allow ourselves to become overly focused on flaws and make ourselves feel guilty or stressed about them. Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect, no one is.
You may be feeling a flood of emotions this New Moon coming from all directions, your feelings will be amplified. You may be finding it hard to sleep, you may be having weird thoughts and feelings and strange dreams. Don't worry as this will pass very soon. We are sensitive right now to the shifts of the Summer ending and Autumn beginning. The New Moon will bring with it a new and clear path for us to follow, it will clear out our emotional baggage and let us see things in a new light.
This New Moon is a time for a deep cleansing, to get rid of clutter not just in the home but your emotional clutter. Let the power of the dark Moon cleanse your spirit. Let earth sign Virgo heal you both physically and emotionally. Move to a place of allowing and acceptance. Set your intention for what you want to create this fall. Stay out of negative thinking. Instead ask, ‘What supports my balance?‘ Don’t project out into the future. You are not there yet. You can scare yourself with the ‘What if’s.’ Stay present. Your power and effectiveness are in the here and now...

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Me - 61, xW - 54
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Full Moon Alert VI
#138: September 29, 2023, 06:02:25 AM
Here we go - this is the last Super Moon of the year as well so we are "livin' large!"


Tonight is The Full Harvest Moon. It is called the Harvest Moon because in September crops that were seeded in Spring are now ready to be harvested. It is the final harvest of the year so crops, fruit and grain would be stored to last through the winter months. The Harvest Moon is very bright, probably the biggest and brightest Moon of the year.
Tonight's Full Moon is in the sign of Aries. This will be a fiery Full Moon deep with raw emotions. Your sensitivity will be heightened. You may have to move away from loud noise, crowds and negative people. Try to be around nature tonight it will be very healing and nurturing to you. It is ok to cry a little and let yourself feel all those pent up feelings we hold deep down inside us, let them out and wipe the slate clean in your heart. Aries is a fire element therefore emotions and feelings are strong now. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you may be feeling ultra sensitive at the minute, you may have trouble sleeping and when you do sleep may have wild and vivid dreams, but don't worry this will soon pass.
This Aries Full Moon is here to burn away what holds you back, to accept that healing is needed and necessary, Sometimes you have got to be brave and open an old wound in order to rip out what is holding you to the past and making you unhappy and allow the wound to heal. There is something sacred about this painful process, it is something no one can help you with, it is something only you can do, but it is necessary if you wish to heal and move forward. put trust in the universe that what comes is for our benefit.
This is a time of transformation, the earth is going through a major shift at the moment as it heads into Autumn. We are also going through a major change in our lives as the earths energy project themselves onto us. We can use this energy of transformation to become and be what we feel we need to be in order to move on and be happy. Aries will make us feel a little braver and stronger, we may find that we have the courage to do things we were afraid to do in the past. Open yourself up tonight to the magical forces all around you. Don’t be limited by the five senses or the ‘how's’ and ‘when's.’ Instead, believe in yourself and live from a place of magic and miracles.
The Harvest Moon is a time to reap what we have sown and cultivated this last year. Our own personal harvest is the culmination of our efforts to manifest a deeper and fuller life for ourselves. Name what you have harvested over the past year and bless it and yourself for the good work you have done.
This Full Moon let your emotions flow, get rid of past hurts, cry, scream or shout if you need to but let it out, allow yourself to heal. Let the fires of Aries cleanse you. After tonight's emotional Full Moon when you wake to an Autumn Sun you will feel like a new person, full of vigour and energy.

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Full Moon Alert VI
#139: October 30, 2023, 01:44:38 AM
So, if you were wondering why your weekend was weird..... Full moon was Saturday night....


Tonight is the Full Blood Moon. The Moon won't actually be blood red it is so named because the time between now and Samhain/Halloween was called the harvest of flesh, it was the time when the farming community would slaughter cattle and preserve the meat to last through the winter months. People would use the brightness of this Full Moon to go hunting and gather meat for their families and preserve it in salt. So it became known as the Blood Moon, it is also called The Hunter's Moon, The Shedding Moon or The Falling Leaf Moon.
We are on the threshold of crossing a line that will allow us to learn things that will alter the course and direction of our lives, we will be able to recognise signs and signals and bring forth messages from the Spiritual realms. October is a time when the veil between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm is thin.
This will be an emotional Full Moon, we will be feeling ultra sensitive at this time. We may find ourselves feeling strong emotions pulling us in different directions, we may feel happy and laughing one minute then teary and sad the next. You may have difficulty sleeping and when we do we may experience wild and vivid dreams. Don't worry this will pass, this is the effect of the Blood Moon.
If you have been feeling stuck in a situation or that everything has been standing still lately, get ready because this Full Moon will be bringing with it a rapid change. Tonight's Full Moon is in the earth sign of Taurus pushing us into a new direction. The universe is giving us so many gifts and chances right now, don't be afraid to take them and to dream of bigger and better things. Look at what may be holding you back and get rid of it. The Taurus Full Moon is about new starts, getting rid of the old and bringing in the new.
So much of what has been suppressed is coming to the light now and shining so brightly that we cannot ignore it any longer. This Full Moon is about truth and seeing what is really there and not what we want to see. In life we can often see illusions about ourselves, illusions about others and illusions about our world, all of these illusions will start crumbling away now so we can rebuild on what is real and true.
Tonight's Full Moon is a time of healing and cleansing, of getting rid of our negative junk and moving ourselves into a new and positive direction, look at all the good things in your life and look at how to improve the bad things. It's time to take a deep look within ourselves and to become more aware of what makes us feel comfortable and secure. With this potent Taurus energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It's time to make some solid yet realistic plans for the future.
Tonight's Full Moon will be spiritual and passionate as we can feel the transition of the earth as we head deeply into Autumn, yet we will feel a tranquil quality that can bring a new wave of calm and peace with it. The gentle dusting of energy bought by this Full Moon will allow us all to restore and recharge our batteries and perhaps even feel more comfortable with our situation and where we are at, we will see with clear clarity what we need to do to heal and grow. Let the Earth element of Taurus destroy any negative and destructive energy let moonlight cleanse and heal you. Now is the time to get in touch with our passions and desires and work on making them a reality.

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Me - 61, xW - 54
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A REAL friend will sit you down and tell you to your face to stop being a firetrucking idiot before you ruin your life and the lives of those around you.


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