Sorry to hear that SS. She's safe in your home and I am happy that is a blessing for you both. I'm sure she's terrified, especially in those moments she doesn't have enough emotional steam to get mad to deflect or disappear with various forms of escapism to avoid.
I'm excited for you as a brother in Christ because you have one of the best witnessing opportunities in slow and steady streams while in lockdown, to eminate God's grace and love to get her through. When she can know it's ok, and the love is there with it's baby steps with God too to help her through these crisises, she will be relieved that she doesn't need to lean on her own understanding. She just needs to commit to the healthy process of doing anything that is counter to serving the MLC lifestyle. Something that feels like a 180 and foreign. Easier said than done for sure. It should give her hope that there still is no judgement and it's ok to be scared, and give herself credit on the days she tried. Even if it was unsuccessful. Scared is ok. I truly believe you've been sent to help her in baby steps. Take good care of yourself too as they flip on a dime and can make us feel deflated. God Bless!! GGG