I'm in agreement now is not the time she wants to talk. For me, before ex left... After giving him the chance (like we do) to stay and work on it (not understanding the beast we were dealing with), I had to accept he was going freely. He's not a prisoner. I told him I forgive him for feeling he needed to destroy the family in order to be set free. I said, I'm sorry you felt you couldn't talk to me or desired to work on this marriage. I'm sorry you didn't value us enough to stop. I'm sorry if I failed you in this marriage, however I am not saying I accept blame for your affair, cruelties, etc. Those were done without regard for our marriage. It was your free will to abuse or love us. I wish you would have made better choices, but you are forgiven. Not approving or condoning ANY of this. You'll have your own crosses to bear. I wish you well.
Forgiveness was for me to release the bitterness, etc. Yes, on my journey it would surface again in my emotions. Then I would be reminded did I truly want to be free and forgive? Or was I controlling outcomes? It's a choice and a process. I remembered in our marriage all the times he lovingly forgave me. Who was I not to set him free that way. As I knew if I wanted forgiveness from God, it would start with me taking ownership. I believe no marriage is perfect. It can be a culmination of bad choices that they use as an excuse. There is no excuse for any of it. The fact is the mistakes still happened. The manner in which they dealt with them are not on us.
IMHO, If my teen daughter did something horrible by poor choices to someone including me, I would still love her and forgive her, even if I don't approve of what she's done. At that point, it's her mess to clean up. Her accountability to deal with. It's not my problem to get stuck in her mess. Only she can work it out. My boundaries in love are set, but I will not enable or approve of bad or destructive behavior. Then it's on me.
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but it's my truth.. Sometimes,life is the best teacher no matter how old we are.