Its been almost 6 years since Xhole left. He is back to monstering now. He told my daughter I was an angry person with issues. So crazy as that describes him. I thought we were passed that. He has been really trying to get my daughter around OW. Just found out he is buying his parents house down the street from me .So he and ow will now live close. He is more of a hermit now. He sees my daughter once a week. My older kids don't really see him either. He does spend between $300-500 on the one day he takes her out. She now has no value of money.
I am happy with my new life, I have no complaints. I really have not started dating, I think I am ready for it, just a little nervous. My daughter is no longer mad at her dad, she thinks he is great now.
After 6 years, not much has changed. Its is hard to believe I was standing and waiting for him. I have grown as that is not an option. When I think about how much crap he has done to me, I don't even like to see his face, never mind standing, I did read somewhere on this website that I would feel indifferent at some point. I am glad my heart does not belong to him anymore