I got more of an insight into my ex h every day life. I thought he was happy,
Happiness is not found from external sources, but instead comes from within. A lot of our MLCers find a high with the new partner, but it only treats the symptoms not the issue. A lot of excitement with someone new. The chemicals in the brain, the buzz of the many firsts. Most of all, it justifies their reasoning that it was all about you in the first place. When I am with my LBSer, I am in pain and miserable. However, when I am with the new person. Well, she/he gets me. They make me feel like I am alive again.
Just like any chemical dependence, their relationship is complex, complicated, but not necessarily healthy or wholesome. Each relationship has it's own dynamics and no two are exactly alike. Some, like my ex, loved the fantasy of someone being their "soul mate" and saving them from the misery they felt. Some are about control and power.
In the end, it just about two people using each other. It is not a transformational relationship, it is merely transactional. Some are satisfied with the arrangement and are content to use the other person for years; most are not. The high wears off and the misery returns and now the other person is the source of their pain. The alienator is not the cause of MLC, instead they enable the MLCer to escape and avoid the crisis and their issues. The affair is not the root cause of MLC, it just enables the MLCer to kick the can down the road.
In the end, it is still the crisis of the MLCer and they alone have to resolve the issues or live an empty life. Their choice, not ours