Hello all
My MLC wife is in frequent contact, daily mostly.
We've spent a bit of time together meals, walks etc .
Something I've learnt about myself is I've got a sense of inner calm and feel much stronger, to the point that if we split for good I can accept it far easier, my emotional detachment is far stronger. She very apologetic and offering to do things for me. ' the blown up bridge' (MLC) is now being cleared away.
Being a 'lighthouse' has been the way to go offering gentle encouragement and support when appropriate.
She's following the MLC script and is in 'acceptance '
This site and it's teaching is invaluable as a support tool . Id have made so many mistakes and gone totally the wrong way , I've learnt a lot about myself good and bad and continue to work on me . Some advice didn't make sense at the time , but slowly it's sunk in , the process is not about blame it's about growing and maturing for the next chapter of your life, be it alone or together .
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