Great and timely article! My W got her first dose and I think that technically, she was allowed to jump the line. She didn’t seek it out, she was told that she was eligible, and the hospital where she works gave her the vaccine. She works in health care but is able to do her work via computer so she isn’t required to have face to face patient contact. She clearly felt some guilt about it - we agreed that it probably wasn’t the intent for her to be in tier 1a, but then she came back pointing to the specific subgroup that she’s in and saying “see, they specifically called out my job.” She didn’t want to hear that 1a is only for people in her job who have in-person patient contact. But my feeling is, at this point, with our numbers so dangerously high, if you can get the vaccine without lying or misrepresenting yourself, you are doing more good by getting it than by waiting in the hopes that the people who are ahead of you on the list will get theirs. I’d get mine today if someone would give it, knowing my age and risk.