That would be lovely Faith or I can take a trip over the pass. My dog passed 2 weeks ago so there isn't anything to tie me down here...just the Canadian border restrictions.
Never ever ever would I have thought that I could not be with my family when something like this happens. I am ok, my sister was very sick for such a long time, but I just want to see my family. That is the support that I need and I have no idea when that will be. Canada does not make it's own vaccines so they have a very limited supply and the numbers are not good.
I am so used to being "alone" that I don't even know if I have it in me anymore to have a relationship with anyone. That scares me a bit.
Thanks to everyone with your care and kindness. My therapist wanted me to see her this week which I will do....and probably for a bit although a part of me thinks really? I still need to see a therapist? I stated seeing her because of the isolation I was feeling during least now I feel safer to do a few things with other people...butI still try and follow the CDC guidelines which make sense to me....if we continue to stay away from large indoor gatherings...enough people will be vaccinated that we can put a lid on this.
I don't know, sometimes I feel very discouraged.
I know I feel really tired and "foggy". Today I had to make a stop at three different stores to get what I needed...when I got to my car, I realized I had forgotten to get milk. YIKES!!!!
Calamity assured me tonight that with grief, it is normal to be forgetful and to be careful driving.
Happy Easter everyone!