This is my own experience but it might be of interest to someone else.
There is often the question of how long before the LBSer is healed? I sometimes feel that some LBSers are in a hurry to say "I'm totally over this" in a relatively short timeframe.
I have just returned from a trip to the UK and Scotland, the war in the Ukraine, the upcoming first year anniversary of the deaths of my dog and my sister, the isolation from COVID and for some time I have been thinking that it would benefit me to have a session or two with my therapist. She knows how to deal with trauma, and helped me a great deal.
I found this therapist in 2017. I last saw her a year ago after the death of my sister (when I was denied entry into Canada to say goodbye to her or attend her funeral
) .
When I went to schedule an appointment, I "discovered" that over time, since 2017 (which would have been 8 years after BD) I have seen this therapist 54 times. I had no idea.
And that is fine. Initially I required pretty regular visits with her and then resumed therapy when I was hit with a divorce via text message 9 years after BD, and again last year dealing with the grief of the loss of my sister and Kaci and the isolation of COVID, not being able to see my daughter for 17 months was very very difficult for me.
I am sharing this here, as Acorn would say, as an example of one. Perhaps to reassure others that this process can take a very long time and that the trauma can affect us, possibly on some level for the rest of our lives.
Before BD, I felt that I was a pretty normal functioning individual with lots of strengths and coping mechanisms....I had gone for therapy initially for about 18 months and then not again until 8 years after BD. (with a very different therapeutic approach the second time that dealt with PTSD.)
I am still a bit surprised that I went for 54 sessions, indeed, did I block some of that out??? I shall ask her when I see her.
Spring is here, gardening, golfing, less COVID restrictions, more travel but also fear of the war happening in Ukraine.
I write often here about acceptance. I value that I don't judge myself as to why this has taken so long. I do know that prior to COVID I seemed to be enjoying life quite a bit.....and so it goes.
Wishing you all a lovely springtime, hoping for peace in our world.