I agree. Is it possible to remove the link to FB as a precaution or perhaps somehow integrate an "accept" on our profiles and if we do, great, if we don't then our posts are excluded? Similar to the "opt out" on check in's and allowing your pics to be used in advertisements on friend's pages. I know this is a public forum but my posts would recognizable as well..it's really a small world afterall. I know I'm tagged, as is my daughter in many pictures of people we aren't friends with and with college age nieces and nephews I can look at one group pic and find the names of every person at that party, and even more than H family, I would hate to see my D or her friends see the details I'm posting. Food for thought?
One last, but highly important issue with Facebook. Many of my employment recruitments are asking for any Linkdin or FB pages and even if you don't give, they have software which searchs so it become very complicated. We would have to make a fake email, another FB, and limit our profile info, wouldn't we? Promoting the site is valuable, but I'm nervous about the details as well.