Hello Music45, thanks for dropping by with your update.
Your son's observation is very astute:
S was with him the next day and said his Dad is aware that he's running from something and that there's something not right...but he's either unwilling or unable to talk to someone or whatever to get the help he needs.
What is hard to wrap our heads around is how many years they continue down this path. Looking for that "next big thing" that will satisfy their hearts. Do they ever find it? I don't know because I am not in their head.
This tremendous shift in them, although we can "see" it..it is still difficult at times to accept this is who they have become....
I don't know what to make of this latest development. As in how it affects my stand. I'm just getting on with life. Moved house in May do have started the long process of doing the place up. Been going to work. Very close to S and D.
Over time, healing allows us to move forward in our own life. Like you, I have a very close relationship with my daughter who also is very aware of the changes in her father.
Standing is such an individual and complicated thing. It is also very mysterious because I would never have thought this would be my path...and yet it is. It hasn't changed, although I question and wonder why.....but mostly I accept that this is God's desire for me....it is not about my husband's returning, but my own inner beliefs and how I wish to live my life.
You will know what is right for you. Standing doesn't mean putting my life on hold or waiting for him to return. Two things of many that it means to me is that I don't date (and there are several reasons I think for that) and the door has always remained opened for my husband to come back to our family.
Nobody can decide for you.
He's gone from a clinging boomerang for over 6 years (messages every day etc) and with a lengthy t&g which ended last summer - to a semi vanisher.
It is quite common for the MLCer to do this...periods where they interact more with us, then long periods of time go by without hearing from them and then we hear from them again. This can be very unsettling until we reach a point where we are very aware that this is his "pattern". As Ursa says...trying to understand it is like trying to taste the color green.
Although I continue to remain interested in the subject of what causes MLC (just like I am fixated on COVID having been an infectious disease nurse for much of my career) I also accept that there is much I cannot explain or comprehend about his life.
I hope you are enjoying your new home and your son and daughter.
One thing about his announcement that he is going to NZ and why he would let you know....I remember being told a long time ago that the MLCer is like a little boy about to get on his school bus, and he looks back to see if you are there watching him.
You are a person that he trusts, no matter how far away, he will continue to have a connection to you. What it means down the road, best not to focus on that because we truly do not know what life holds for us.
(((HUGS))) back and enjoy this beautiful holiday season!