Here is my latest year over year update for June:
2017: Unknown to me, the affair started about this time. I knew there were some oddities with H. He was coming by the office less but it was also nice and warm and he was telling me he was riding MC. Sometimes alone. Sometimes with others. I believed him. I had no reason to not believe him. Son was home for a period of time but was getting ready to move across the country to start to school. H mentioned several times he was loosing his buddy and I just reminded him it was only temporary. We would visit and create new adventures. Little did I know this was part of taking him off the MLC cliff.
2018: H was living at home but had already told me he intended to leave ASAP to move to another State of OW. We went on vacation earlier in the month to visit son and he was awesome. Very nice and very giving of his money. Paying for things he didn't have to pay for. Looking back, I think this is when he decided to go be with the OW again and it was probably quilt driving. In Oct of 17 when we visited son, he also made the decision that week to leave me and did so 3 weeks later. This time he tried to leave 3 weeks later but was not able to do so. He didn't have all his financial ducks in a row so it was delayed until middle of July.
While planning this leave, he told me was going to take money out of the retirement account so he could buy a big a$$ trailer to take all his belongings with him. It would have required a 3/4 ton truck to pull it. When he told me this, I said ok....what are you going to pull it with? He looked at me. I walked away. He never did get the trailer. He ended renting a u haul somehow and towing his car.
He also told me he was going to take his retirement money so he had something to live off of until he found a job. I told him fine....but how am I to pay the household the mortgage, car payments, insurance ,etc....the joint debt we had that we were trying to clear. I gave him the spreadsheets to look at. He never touched that money. He went with no job and came home a few months later with no job and no money.
2019: I don't remember much from this year so it must have been pretty uneventful. I know he was in contact more. We were seeing each other semi regularly via pickleball and he would refer to me as his wife there. Not anywhere else though. LOL.
2020: We were all dealing with COVID crap of course. H was showing up for family gatherings. Enjoying them. Playing pickleball with a newly formed group of friends on a regular basis. Nothing substantial.
2021: H had an injury in Feb. Then was sequestered due to it for about 2 mos. When he was up and moving he was spending time at the house doing things. There was about 2 mos of near normal behavior. In May, he fell away and he kept getting more and more distant. It was very gradual but each month he called less, visited less, reached out less and less and this continued for many months to come.
2022: He had started coming around in April after the drought started last year. Earlier this month there was still some contact and then BAM. He jumped off a ledge again and he has not had any contact in any form for 7 days now. This is the longest he has gone in many months but not the longest he has ever gone. Now it becomes a challenge that I will NOT reach out to him. Not a challenge that I have to fight myself off from doing it. More like I got this and he knows where I am and I am not going to be the one that breaks the silence. He has to do it when he is ready. I see it as a challenge that I will win. I guess it is just my competitive nature and I don't like to loose! Time will tell what happens.