Quote from: KellBell on Today at 08:04:39 AM
I also know that I care for and love my xh. And for now I'm good with that. But it had me wondering, will those feelings ever cease? Will they lessen? Will they go away completely? How will they change and evolve/devolve? That uncertainty and not knowing the future of my own feelings is kind of trippy.
I think it is different for many LBSers and depends perhaps on what kind of marriage you had before BD.
You were married 24 years. I was married 32 and BD was over 13 years ago.
I still love my husband. I have never stopped loving him. Even who he is now.
I also know several other LBSers whose BD was more than 10 years ago, even some who are in other relationships, whose MLCer has remarried and they have told me that they still love their husbands.
I do not think this is unusual. The "divorce" was done to us. The abandonment and rejection and betrayal was done to us. We had no say in any of it and we did not want this. We were willing to work on whatever problem was causing this, but of course we didn't get that chance and it never was a problem with our marriages anyway.
Maybe they are not in love with us anymore, but that doesn't mean that we can turn off the feelings that we have for them. There are memories and deep feelings, good and bad, that continue to impact us.
I see so many couples my age, retired, enjoying life together. I hear friends who "complain" about their husbands being in their way all the time. It was never like that with us....we had a beautiful life together.
Marriage, family, love ...I had it all until I didn't.
He continues to contact me, I enjoy when we are together and sad when those times are over. We still have a lot in common, we still enjoy the same things...but as some other long timers here who talk about their MLCer who cannot connect, when their relationships are superficial and lack any compassion or understanding of our lives..the only thing I can do is "accept" that this is the way my life is.
Life goes on. I have not met any man who I have any desire for and I think that will be the way it will be for me.
I do not think you can force yourself to stop loving your spouse. There are so many ties that join us together that is isn't possible for me to write him off. He is still in my heart.