Checking back in! How is the organizing going?
So, I went to see the medium and it was an interesting experience

. I did not leave feeling convinced that he was able to speak to my ancestors and spirit guides, nevertheless, he gave good advice. He told me that the next two years will be a necessary period of transformation and I should not get distracted by falling in love. Makes sense. According to him, it will get really busy, particularly with people to interact with. He further said that my career is on the right track (brief summary). Unfortunately, my h will not play a big role in my son's life and we will end up getting a D. The medium said that it was still necessary for my h and I to have met in order to learn important lessons and to create our son. According to him, there had been a lot of love, but it had fizzled out. He also said my h was damaged in childhood and will never again be able to fully commit to a relationship. I, on the other hand, will find a better, and longer-lasting, new love

. He also gave me some messages from my ancestors that, true or not, were very positive and sweet. Their main message was that they're not concerned about me because I am very resilient and everything is unfolding as it should.
He kept talking about a person with the letters MA, but this did not ring a bell for me. Maybe your nan?

Overall, it was an interesting experience. Have always wanted to visit a psychic and now I can scrape that off my list

Ts how is your week going so far? The same question for everyone else reading here, feel free to join in!
Oh and TS, have you tried gel nails? These last a lot longer. Also, I need to get myself some in and out door husbands!