Gosh, thank you all so much forum family!! LaB, Curiosity, Treasur and Tsun... you guys don't know how much I needed the support today. Really. I literally cried all morning. I haven't done that since the beginning around BD. It is horrible. I guess if I'm being honest, I think I am mourning a whole new phase-- meaning the hope of H "coming to his senses" and stopping the insanity is unlikely to happen and I am reaching a 6-month milestone. Even though logically I did know this with MLC, it is hard not to hope that you will be different (yes, naive). Also, I have been spending some serious time contemplating filing for D myself b/c there is no legal separation here in NJ. I believe this combined with the argument with my son really set me off. I mean, at what point am I just being silly. I don't have an H, not in any way that counts. He doesn't live at home, we are not parenting together, he isn't taking care of the house or day to day problems. No emotional support or closeness, no dates, no fun, no cuddles (ugh, I'm barfing just listening to myself). A friendly convo? A pleasant text exchange? What's the point (no offense to anyone who sees things differently, this is just what has been floating in my head) I hate that he did this to me, to us, to our family. It's just so stupid. MLC-ShmemLC.
LaB- You know I feel you. I am so tired of these bad feelings...I wonder when they will ever leave. Just when I think that I'm over it, they come back and sometimes stronger. Hugs!
Curiosity-Thank you-you're right it is so hard to do. I think I'm making progress and then take 3 steps back. Sometimes I have empathy for H and his MLC but hatred has been def. coming up especially lately. I would rather get to indifference as I know that is the opposite of love.
Treasur- I always like the way you put things and your advice is spot on. We also have many "leaders" who behave the way you describe (and other stupid and selfish variations of behavior) and I could go on about it but I don't want to piss off anyone on the forum

Like George Carlin said (I like him!) regarding our "leaders"... it' a big club--and you ain't in it! For the record, I would 100 percent buy that T-shirt not to mention matching socks and hair band! And...I wouldn't be ashamed to wear it out!
Tsun- I know what you mean about feeling sad about having the hate because you really loved your H. I also hope to get to indifference (even dislike would be progress) I totally feel the same way! I miss my original H and I hate this new guy. I am so sorry that your H sent you another "lovely" email with threats and demands (put in 3 eye rolls here). The behavior of these MLCers is horrid. Right, you son- how about him? Remember, you're their father? Hellloooo? Yes, the loud T-Rex in the room (I like that) I can see using that for so many situations. Roku so far, so good. I saw Britbox that you were talking about. I have one more TV to do and then hasta Lavista to cable. I can't wait to call them and tell them goodbye.
Thank you all!! I'll say what I always do... I hope tomorrow will be a better day! xo