Well, that’s a plot twist, right? How wise of you to take time to reflect before jumping into action one way or the other.
I have no advice at all bc your situation is so far from my own experience. I wonder if you might find it helpful to re-read some of RCR’s writings about returns, false or otherwise, or to reach out to others by PM who have had similar experience of returning spouses.
I don’t know what your h said to you about his ‘reasons’ or what he is asking of you now. Or indeed what you feel about what he said/did. From reading other stories here, it does seem that they do not return in one bound magically ‘fixed’, that it is a gradual up and down internal process that is not much influenced by the LBS other than letting the reconnection door be open or shut firmly.. I say this to relieve any burden you might feel on judging the ‘right’ time or ‘perfect” conditions bc i’m not sure there is one as such from others’ experiences shared here. And also to temper your expectations of a straight line vs a stop/start that you (reasonably) don’t much fancy. Again from stories here, I think the reasons why they want to return are not initially as clean, clear or whole-hearted as one might wish....the simplest truth is that their ‘greener grass’ turned out not to feel so green I suspect. And i’d guess that this doesn’t feel quite enough perhaps from your POV.....yet where he is now may not be where things stay.....again anecdotally, reconnection is a real thing, takes time and is not the same as reconciliation.
So, hey ho, seems like you might be paddling along a slightly different creek.....

And you’ll still need your own boat.
Putting emotions to one side - ha ha - I guess you know now, which you probably did not know before, that in the right set of circumstances, your h can fixate on a young woman and up and leave. And his doing so had/has significant collateral effects for you and your son. So I guess you are thinking about ways to manage risk? Or how much risk you are prepared to take? What would make you feel safe enough to take any risk at all?
Fwiw one of the big markers from the cheap seats here is what I call the Me-Me scale. Reading stories of other returns, the level of entitlement - that flavour of ‘well it was really your fault but i’ve decided to give you another chance as a spouse if you do x or y’ - does seem to be a red flag. How Me-Me ish is your h being? And what is he actually proposing or asking of you and your son as a first step? How does HE want to resolve the mess that HIS choices created? Does he know? Or does he just want to glide back and for you to make it all lovely and tidy again?
Your h made some choices that changed your marital and family landscape. He may regret doing so now, which is nicer than him not, but of course it still happened. So now you are both in new and rather uncertain territory. It’s ok to say idk, not now, not like this, not yet....or indeed no.
There are not many reconnections or reconciliations here, as you know. Often there is just too much time and too much damage. But there are some and you are not alone in trying to figure out this kind of new creek. We will support you whatever you choose and I hope that others come along who have more useful experience or advice than I have.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg