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Author Topic: My Story Not new, but still learning about this!

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My Story Not new, but still learning about this!
#120: April 12, 2024, 12:20:59 PM
And then today I asked if w and the kids wanted to come over for some food and to hang out this weekend.

W texted back saying she wasn’t comfortable being asked over for lunch.
Then 2 minutes later was back to sending funny photos etc.
The flip flopping doesn’t really bother me at all anymore but it is pretty odd!
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#121: April 15, 2024, 12:55:10 AM
And then today I asked if w and the kids wanted to come over for some food and to hang out this weekend.

W texted back saying she wasn’t comfortable being asked over for lunch.
Then 2 minutes later was back to sending funny photos etc.
The flip flopping doesn’t really bother me at all anymore but it is pretty odd!
flipity flopity flip flip flop
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Me - 61, xW - 54
Together 19 years - Married 17 at separation & 21 at D-Day
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A "friend" will not "stand by you" no matter what you do. That is NOT a friend. That is an enabler. That is an accomplice.
A REAL friend will sit you down and tell you to your face to stop being a firetrucking idiot before you ruin your life and the lives of those around you.

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#122: May 17, 2024, 04:36:49 PM
Hi all,

It's been a month or so since I posted on my thread so I thought I would do a bit of journalling.

I've taken on a big project at work, which has been both great as it's kept me really busy and focussed on something far removed from family or domestic situations but also very stressful. The stress came to a head earlier this week. I think it's actually a culmination of all the personal stress from BD, and the trauma associated with that as well as trying to navigate everything with W and family. Added into the mix is this really high pressured project at work with a delivery schedule of about a quarter of what would be considered normal.
Well, I thought I was coping kind of OK, but I had some chest pains in the night last weekend which woke me - I went straight to accident and emergency as you don't muck about with that sort of thing in my view. They ran some tests and discharged me a few hours later confident that it wasn't anything too sinister.  On Tuesday morning I finished leading a meeting, and as I wrapped it up I felt incredibly dizzy - like I was going to faint. I went outside and one of the production staff walked by and said he thought I looked quite unwell and called the medic. (luckily I woke in an industry that has a trained nurse / medic on site around the clock). The medic took my BP and heart rate, and took a good look at me and said he was sending me straight to hospital for more checks.
After many tests (blood, ECG, Xray etc) the hospital said they were confident I wasn't having a cardiac episode or or stroke and again discharged me but have requested that I get more tests done. The lovely doctor that saw me asked about stress at home and at work and said he thought that I was presenting classic signs of stress.

I'm back at work but have got my team to get me some additional help so not all the pressure of the job is on my shoulders. Obviously the stress of the last 2 years has kind of caught up with me a bit this last week. I'm pretty sure I've handled jobs as stressful as this before BD, but maybe it's all just got to me a bit.

Home life has been kind of OK, Even before the hospital stuff I asked W for a bit more help with the kids and she's stepped up in a major way - basically being really supportive and doing the lions share of the childcare.

We are continuing in our reconnection, we talk often about the kids and our company and combined finances. We also chat about other stuff, send each other photos, and share some of what we are doing. None of it is particularly deep really. It does feel like she is opening up more and gradually sharing more of what is going on in her life. We had a big chat a few weeks back and I told her that I wanted to continue to try and build back the bridges that had been burned down at BD and try and restore our friendship and see how it goes. She said, "what, do you mean, reconciliation?"   I said yes, I'd like us to get to that point in the future. She said she didn't want to give me false hope and that she needed space and wasn't sure about all of that. I just told her I was happy to try and mend our broken friendship and take things naturally and slowly and see what happens, and she could have all the space she wanted. I expected a withdrawal after this conversation but none came really.
So we continue at a snails pace and I try to have zero expectations from her. It's a really tough balancing act because you see positive signs and think, yeah, they are coming out of it and it's all going to be fine - but it's not like that at all - it's baby steps and expectation and going too fast definitely scare her off and often set things back a bit.

I'm hoping getting some help at work will redress some of the balance I'd achieved recently in my life, because for the last month or so it's been work, sleep repeat!


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#123: May 18, 2024, 01:01:11 AM
Strangely enough there is a syndrome seen in some people after periods of extended stress

I’m so sorry though, Biscuit, bc that must have been pretty scary for you. What it suggests though is that you might need to prioritise how you approach things (and people lol) that increase stress in your life, and find some new ways of managing it. Have you already explored anything like that, any somatic therapies? Or got a thorough overall check up by a doc? Either way, please don’t be blokish about it lol….take it seriously and make your physical health a priority. Your kids need you to stay on the planet, please!

Doesn’t surprise me though that you experienced it now as opposed to post BD. I think our fight/flight system keeps us going for quite a while but disgorges stuff when we are just out of the emergency trenches. pTSD for me only really reared its head in about year 3.
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T: 18  M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.

"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg

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#124: May 18, 2024, 06:17:14 AM
Thanks Treasur,

Wise words from your good self as always!

I actually did know about that syndrome - kind of indirectly through HS. Another member who no longer posts but whom I have continued contact with suffered from this a few months post BD. She's better know thank goodness - and for those here that like to know what happens to people that no longer post - she's got a new and amazing person in her life whilst her X continues to be an asshat and is dragging his feet over the divorce.

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#125: May 21, 2024, 07:40:52 AM
Woohooo Biscuit!!!

You're doing so good!!!

Those little baby steps stack up..... that's a lot to cheer for. So nice to see movement.

When we're doing that it's like "yes!!! com'on out!!!" and then it's like "what happened? Keep moving!!!". Just doesn't work like that.  ;D HA!!

So the 'ol chest ticker gave you a fright? That's the stress talking my friend. Time for something fun for the Biscuit. Something to do regularly, and something to look forward to. It sure helped me a lot to do that. If you were over here near me - I'd take you to play some pinball.   ;)
Need a pattern-interrupt, something very different. Give the system something new to look at, and something new for the face to smile about. Something that's just for you, and you alone.

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BD - 27th April 2019
Start of Shadow - Feb 2012

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#126: May 21, 2024, 05:29:30 PM
Thanks SS,

I'd love a pinball session if we weren't on opposite sides of the planet! My works Xmas party the year before last was at a vintage arcade where you get a hot dog and beer and a bucket load of tokens for the machines, but the pinball machines were always taken! I love them though, the lights and sounds and thrill that is all mechanical rather than on a screen - magic!
W and kids are getting ready for a trip next week to see family far away from the UK. I'm excited for them to go on this trip and spend time with W's family - they are all really looking forward to it. W and I have been communicating loads about this upcoming trip and it's nice to be included in the plans, if not the actual journey itself! I hope they have a blast.

I'm feeling much better after last weeks health scare and I've got some good support in place at work to alleviate some of the burdens there.

I'm going to take the time that w and kids are away to maybe do something for myself, like SS suggested, but I'm not sure what that looks like yet. I had a massage last weekend thinking it would be a relaxing and sedate experience to overcome the stresses of the week before - it actually felt more like being beaten up at the time but I think maybe sorted some of my aches and pains out! I kind of find it hard to just do something for myself, I'm used to being there for oters and trying to sort their needs out before my own - which I guess is pretty familiar to quite a few LBSers
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#127: May 23, 2024, 03:56:33 PM
Just a little bit of journalling and observation:

This is an interesting and unexpected turn of events. Since I had my visit last Tuesday to A and E (or the ER for our international readers), W has been checking in on me and how I am at least every day and sometimes more frequently. She's also been encouraging me to seek more expert advice and been completely supportive in a truly altruistic way, well at least it feels that way. Like she's really concerned for me in a totally selfless manner. What a nice surprise! She's almost been more concerned than she would have been pre BD.

W and kids travel out of the country on Sunday to see W's family for a couple of weeks. I've helped her prepare a little for this trip as I know how hard it is doing that on your own. She's been very appreciative of the support and I genuinely think she's enjoying us working as a team again. Which is great for the kids to see I think. I'll take the time that the 3 of them are away to catch up with some friends I've not seen for a while as I've been bananas at work and also to maybe do something for myself - as suggested by Standing Strong - although I'm not sure what that looks like atm.

Things are pretty good atm and I'm grateful for all those things that are good in my life
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#128: May 26, 2024, 11:58:57 AM
Bit of journaling.

Just dropped W and the kids at the airport on the start of their journey to see relatives on the other side of the world. W and I had a good chat on the way whilst the kids listened to music and downloaded films for the journey on their devices. We spoke about all of our trips to see her family and what they would be doing when they are there for 2 weeks. It was a really pleasent time.
Just before we got to the airpot I gave W and the kids cards that I had made them wishing them a good journey - W was genuinely touched with the gesture and we all shared a big hug and kiss at the airport before they went on their way.

When I returned I was due to pick up some of D's stuff from W's house which my MIL is staying at whilst W is away. MIL had been texting me whilst I was driving but I didn't see the texts, to say she was going to the pub at the end of the road as the weather was so nice to have a glass or 2 in the beer garden - and hoped that I would join her. Anyway, I caught up with her and we shared a couple of drinks and snacks and spoke about the family abroad and what a fun time W and kids would have as well as sharing some funny stories about the family W is visiting.
Near the end of the conversation she opened up about our separation and for the first time since BD spoke about what a shame it was that W and I were no longer together and what a good dad I was and what a good husband I had been to her daughter. She was close to tears. I said I didn't really want to go there atm and let's talk about something else. It's a reminder that this sh!t storm affects everyone close to us.... I actually had no idea that MIL was so affected by the breakdown of our relationship. She's always been so supportive of W (and rightly so - it is her daughter and she has not questioned her daughters motives). But this conversation and a couple of earlier chats in the last few weeks have me thinking that maybe she's also beginning to see the odd crack in the narrative.
Anyway, I took her back home and said I'll do some shopping for her whilst W is away and look in on her a few times in the next couple of weeks, which she really appreciated.
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#129: May 26, 2024, 01:39:39 PM
Agape and unconditional love...and it can be quite pleasant to be around them. Makes things easier for the kids for sure. There are "memories" of the good family life once had. I cherish those memories and always will.

I liked the cards that you gave them.

It's a reminder that this sh!t storm affects everyone close to us..

This is what convinced me a very long time ago about the pathology of their crisis. Others know that we had a good life together, others know that I am a good person, a good wife, and others are concerned about the life their relative/friend/loved one has embarked on.

The breakup of the family is damaging not just to the immediate people involved but to our society as a whole.

"“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.”
― John Paul II

It's hard to be the LBS, to see our family broken and to try and care for our children so they will be healthy and stable individuals.  You are also showing kindness to your MIL.

Thank you for sharing your example of living this hardship, thank you for being the husband, father and son in law that you are.
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« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 01:42:44 PM by xyzcf »
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1

"You enrich my life and are a source of joy and consolation to me. But if I lose you, I will not, I must not spend the rest of my life in unhappiness."

" The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it". Flannery O'Connor


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