
Hmmmmmm.... it's been a couple months (I think) since I last posted.
I'm doing awesome.
Went on vacation to the pinball expo in Chicago (hadn't been to Chicago in 26 years)..... the show was AMAZING!!! Another thing checked off the bucket list. HA!!! It exceeded my expectations, so much fun....... now to get anther pinball machine next year

That's two vacations in two months..... and another to come in Dec.
W asked "What are you doing??? What's with all these trips???"
"I'm having fun".

I don't remember if I mentioned a couple months ago she admitted what she's done in a very round-about way..... but she did. Since then she's occasionally been lightly asking about "us" (after that very direct asking that I turned down). Well, I'm still not biting and I'm not going to bite unless I'm happy to do so, and completely believe her (which I don't)..... AND..... the rest of my life (if it's going to be with her) has to be a good deal (for me) and I don't know if that's the case....... soooooooo.... I'm a wait and see and evaluate. I know thru and thru - the choice is mine..... so I'll make sure the next choice is a good one. I didn't brake anything, and I have my honor intact, so I'm just not obligated to automatically give everything for nothing. Now I get to be choosy and have conditions.
Last night the oddest thing happened...... well, actually the couple nights....... she's been coming home late again, working long hours..... anyway..... she comes home, and right to the piano she goes...... she plays for hours..... completely lost in her world, only now she isn't stuck on one song like during her MLC - she plays EVERYTHING that comes to mind. Last night she came home (not late for once) and played for three hours straight. After playing, she went into the kitchen AND COOKED DINNER!!! OMG!!! The last five years, cooking twice a year would be a lot for her. She didn't announce it, she just did it..... oh, and before she got on the piano, she got home before me and walked the dog so I wouldn't have to!!!!

Who is this person?

She's even got on the pinball and played and played (by herself).
Not complaining, it's soooooo alien for there to be consideration without "LOOK AT ME!!!!".
Anyways, it was really nice..... she even asked "did it surprise you?"....... um, let's see..... YEAH!!!
She's getting ready for her Christmas trip to South America and paying off the condo. It'll be interesting to see if she even cares about it afterward (she doesn't seem to care about it at all now).
Here in a couple weeks is her birthday. I can ask her about it, and there's no emotion to it at all: completely neutral. How about that? It was so traumatic and unwanted the last several years. Has she given up with her fight against aging?
She's been very vocal about wanting to know what is next for her life, and wanting to start the next part of life with some task or role worthy of her time, effort, and it being fulfilling.
Sounds like she's getting close to the end (which I knew already). Who this person will be is still a mystery. Seems very similar to the person from before - but there is a change about how time is spent: "That isn't important" "I don't have time to waste on that" "That isn't interesting"...... so in a way, a certain type of peace is forming, and a more efficient use of time more tuned to things which actually matter to her (instead of worrying about everything) is coming into play.
Very interesting to see. Seems very obvious the next phase of her life is taking hold - and once it does, it'll never let go. So it really is goodbye to the old, and hello to whatever this will be.
As for me, I don't know what I feel about this. It's all theory until you're looking at it. As a man (

) it's easy to assume that "here's a broken woman, she's going to get patched up and then she'll like before but a little different" - only to really discover the rules are a changing. HA!!!!

You ladies are lucky (IMO) = us guys don't really change over the course of our lives. But ladies on the other hand, you change a whole bunch don't you.....

That's not your fault, but us guys think that things will essentially be the same forever.

We're funny aren't we? LOL!!!
Well anyway, that's my life. Com'on Dec!!! I'm ready for another vacation!!! Time to plan for next year!!!
Five years ago I was hesitant about one vacation a year...... I was so used to work work work, and doing things was a "someday". Now I can't get enough. I want to see things, do things, have fun, check things off the list. I must seem to be this whirlwind of activity to W. Now SHE is on the sidelines watching ME run.
Feels good.
One day at a time,