More changes - it's moving faster, and it's hmmmmm interesting.
W is pushing, pushing now.... and it's strange to see it.
Before she would suggest something to do, and that'd be it. You know, the suggestion is the action..... and then *POOF*, that was it.

She pressed me on doing something for Christmas yesterday, the small overnight trip (which I said yes to), and then she wanted more. "What can we do for Christmas? Do you want to do something for Christmas?". HA!!!
Well, I will let that play out..... but she also didn't just retreat at the mention of holiday dinners with family (a new 1st). Very interesting.
She keeps referring to "us"..... "us" "us" "us"...... it's like a parrot squawking. Hmmmm.
She also invited me to her sister's for Thanksgiving...... which is hilarious!!! I've been the one still going to all the family dinners (on both sides) since all this began...... she's been missing them like clockwork. HA!!!

I think I've missed one holiday in five years. One!!
Then there was a big one...... it's time for us to renew our lease, and I've been waiting for housing to go down..... and it's been frustrating. I wanted to buy in 2009, I wanted to buy in 2019...... but W has always been afraid of it. Well, after MLC started I was no longer in a position to buy a home (too much uncertainty, and too full of a plate), but it's always been a thorn in my side. So this time after this next two year lease I mentioned that this is the last time, I'm buying a home when this lease is up (and that means with or without her).
She pipes in all excited - "oh yes!!!", "we can save and get a home in two years!!!". What? What planet did she just beam down from? HA!!! I mean, it's a really good sign and all that..... but

It's soooooo weird to have someone agree instead of endless and irrational opposition. It's like "what do you mean you agree??!?!?". HA!!!

In other news....
I've been trying to get my Mom to go on a trip for months and months now. "I never go anywhere..... you're father doesn't take me anywhere......(and when we try to get her to go somewhere:) "Why can't we go somewhere I want to go". My mother is a wonderful, wonderful woman..... and she can be insufferable at times. I think she likes to complain. My poor father. He loves her, but she doesn't let go of whatever she's worked out about from the past. He's in some ways, all beat down from comments she has and my sister too.
Anyway.... I'd had enough of this nonsense. Nothing is perfect, you get what you get..... so I called mom up yesterday and put her on the spot: "Are you and Dad coming to Vegas with me? It's time to book. Yes or no". She hemmed and hawed....... "I don't know if I'll like it, why don't we go somewhere else? I don't know if we'll actually go somewhere else...... your father may say no". So I told her "Look ma, dad will go to Vegas (she switched to speaker phone so dad can be on too), Dad will you go to Vegas in March?" (Yes) "Great - that's taken care of. Mom, will you come to Vegas? You'll have a great time - and you won't know you like it until you do it.... so let's do it. Going somewhere is better than going nowhere. You always say you never go anywhere - let's go".
So anyway, she's going to let me know today yes or no. This would be the 1st family trip in 24 years. I just don't have time for nonsense, or excuses, or "maybe laters" anymore..... today is the day. Grab it!!! I hope they go. I'm going to take them to at least one show and a very nice buffet..... which will be more than they have ever done themselves..... and show them around the tourist stuff.
I told W that I'm taking my parents to Vegas and she said "oh, that sounds like fun". Yup, it sure is.
One day at a time,