Thanks for your replies and support.
If you use dark or NC or dim as a way to manipulate the MLCer it will backfire. Those approaches are meant to secure YOUR sanity and well-being NOT to control the situation.
Not looking to control the situation anymore. I honestly needed it to distance myself from the situation and it helped a lot.
But as they progress a distance increases and with this we non-crisis spouses get some sold ground, Then BAM! something comes left field. Or right field, or from the sky. Or... there's just no telling.
I experienced this quite a lot, lol, when I thought things have settled down a bit, something unexpected came up and shook the ground beneath me. TBH, the other way is true also, when some really wrong situations turned around quite quickly.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘stopping her financial support’? If you are doing so to protect yourself, or punish her. If she has her own resources. If she does not, what legal advice you have taken about your rights and obligations. Or indeed if she has. It’s a difficult thing to navigate, I imagine, particularly if a spouse is off spending marital resources partying if you are the sole income earner.
This was more referring to her 'spending' money. I do provide everything else for her, but I clearly stated I am not willing to finance her night out spendings anymore. Luckily, she is not a crazy spender, not even during this period, but I am not letting my gard down on this front either. If I am completely honest, part of this action was also me thinking, ok if she wants out, she may as well experience what life is without my support.
Which is why it’s important to be clear in your own mind about boundaries that are for your wellbeing vs those that might be intended to punish or influence their actions one way or another.
As stated above, the boundary is for my own sanity.
... it is important if you are currently committed to Standing bc that means signing up for a marathon not a sprint. Years rather than months probably. I suspect in that situation the best one can aim for is a kind of ‘doing no additional harm’ principle? But I imagine it must be very difficult. Have you read other stories here from those in a live-in situation like Standing Strong?
I know I am in a marathon based on the numerous stories I have read here. We had a crazy last few weeks, lots of ups and downs on her part, crazy actions, out of the world behaviour, etc. Now we are I guess in the next period of quiet before the storm, don't know... she does not cycled much this last few days, I do know things are not all well in 'lala land'. If only things would stabilize a bit, it would be easier to live with it I guess, but I do realise that's an impossible wish.
As said, I read many stories, Baxter1 story is the one I am reading through now, his sitch seems very familiar to mine. I am a pretty easy going person, but I think Baxter is handling the situation much better, guess I have lots to learn from him
Take NC - I’m not sure that’s a reasonable goal if one is living under the same roof with children, how could it be? Whereas lessening your participation on some types of conversation or changing some of your own pre BD habits or focusing on doing things independently with your children or GAL activities for yourself could be. Less or different contact as opposed to NC if that make sense.
NC is not for me and I don't think it even possible to do as long as you are living under the same roof. If not for anything else, simply because of the kids. Whilst they see something is wrong in our family, going NC is potentially harmful for them, so absolutely no. I do give her space, she goes out most of the nights lately to OM, spends about 2h with him then she comes home. During our last 'adult conversation' she did appreciate me not asking questions anymore and just letting her be. It is hard, but no more questions. It still hurts when she goes out, but every day is better I feel it in the sense that I am detaching. And I am with Baxter, having a live-in MLCer is a tough nut, but I still prefer she coming home every night so at least I know she is safe.
I did exactly that Treasur, not spending much time in common with my W, it's mostly weekend activities when we are doing things witht the kids, dayouts, etc.
Which brings me full circle to your own goals. Regardless of the tools you use, what are you trying to acheive in the current situation as it is? What do you see as your most pressing top three priorities right now? And what do you think you most need right now to stabilise your own life ship? Bc those priorities reflect what you see as the specifics of your own situation, and your own character, and understanding them will help you - and us lol - support you better.
This is a tough one, but will have a go:
1. detach - I need to achieve this so I can function as a father, as the provider for the family - I do feel I am not in a strong position on this front
2. some sort of normality in the house (huh) - trying to achieve this for my kids
3. GAL - made some progress, but more is needed