We have all done wrong. That’s marriage. You recognize and work on those, but when someone takes no responsibility for their side of the street there is no where to go. Acknowledge what you can on your end, but know that you did not cause this. Grown mature adults talk and work through it.
I think that is my main issue with what is going on, that is what raised the red flags and made me wonder if it is MLC - inadequate behavior of a immature person. He doesn't give me any chance to talk and work through it, more to it, he doesn't do it himself, he just wants to escape and live a new life.
That is not what normal adults do in their relationship, they don't hug you and love you one day and then dump all the hell on you the next day.
A lot of us discovered OW/OM, that is their escape plan. Another things that amazes me in my particular situation is that he would rather keep his EA than his marriage. I would understand if it was actual relationship that bring a lot of joy, happiness, positive in his life, but it brings him only misery. Still it's more valuable, cause it answers his desire to escape the life he had.
I don't know if he feels shame, a lot of guilt, thats for sure. But i am not interacting with mature adult... just a trapped teenager with all sorts of issues, who found himself in a grown up situation.