Your psychiatrist is a good one. Space from this emotional dumping he's doing on you will help you stabilize.
Yesterday in the evening i went to the movies alone. For the first time in many years. And i think for the first time since it all happened i actually had a glimps of who i am out of this situation, the promise of the future strength, happiness and ability to live with or without him. I know time without him will start my healing process and i am not preventing it.
Yes i am very sad to leave My home, the country that i lived in for 7 years and got comfortable in. But it's me who needs time even more than him, he is the poison and now i see it very clear.
He's saying what many of us heard at the time our spouses were weighing their options. He's going to try to keep you on those eggshells by saying things like
Oh yeah, he is deeply afraid of loosing "this game" and ending up alone. So he continues his EA in fantasy hopes that She will see that he is better than her husband and at the same time understanding somewhere deep inside that it will not happened. But the drug of emotions from being in love with her and it's probably only around her, right now, that he feels something positive, is too strong and too pleasant to wake up and see what it is doing to everyone including him.
But he tries his best to give me hope, so that option number 2 is available. It's disgusting standard game, that i know too well. As for now i have no idea what to do with my life and where to do it, i play along.
As it's his first marriage and my 3d (first official) he plays checkers with a chess player and he is too proud of himself to notice it.
Now it's up to YOU to reassure him that you'll still take him back no matter what, without any wavering or "he can't trust YOU". It's a no-win. We've all been there.
I still wear my ring, i still am around being nice, i still am very reassuring. But i don't plan to be begging him to return home as soon as i am out, he will have his doubts when i am away and will at least show that i am doing better to the point of great. He already sees that i am regaining my independence and strength, which makes him nervous a bit, cause he is loosing control of his plan B, well it's his problem, not mine.
You might also research "Complicated Grief". I found it described my initially few years perfectly.
Thank you i will. Though the time frame of years doesn't suit me at all. I know MLC takes time and patience, but i have my life to live and one thing i know about myself is that i pretty much can't be alone, it's important to me to have relationship and if he will not be able to give me that, i will find a person who can. I don't see why should i suffer years of loneliness just to get back the person he is or was before. There are many ppl in this world worth of loving and looking for it. It's up to him, to not be too late with his decisions, not me.
Out of love and respect for him i give him time. But he has no hope for years, i am not that kind of LBS, unfortunately for him.