I can see that you are trying hard, and finding it difficult as we all do initially, to adjust the lens you use wrt to your h. And to work out what is your responsibility and what is not. Do you have kids?
Your h may have been a wonderful hard working family man before; he isn’t now. How do you know? Bc this is not how a wonderful hard working family man behaves. Now he’s a man who sexts random women and thinks it’s ok to have an affair with a married woman who claims to be suicidal. And, just as you say, you are also having to adjust to the reality that he has lied so much (and usually, sadly, more than we know early on) that it is difficult to now trust anything he says. That is hard, painful and a bit scary. I hope that this community can support you through this life storm in the way that you find most helpful.
I was struck by a couple of things from your first post…
In June, it came to my attention that he was "sexting" random ladies on the internet. I am considering this my Bomb Drop day because it was the first time I became aware that our marriage had serious problems. Before that, I thought, we just got on each other's nerves sometimes like all married couples. I never realized I hurt him so much by some of my actions.
So, in June, he was looking….maybe just for attention, maybe for more. Who knows? And then he started chatting to FB woman and decided to play ‘knight in dented armour’ and then to keep talking to her, takes a job that enables him to have more contact, says yes to the ‘home cooked meals’ and starts a physical affair in December.
Ow is a pretty standard textbook ow type mess, and will doubtless not quietly disappear without very clear boundaries from your h, but your h did do these things. Neither ow or you held a gun to his head. One action after another, over months, that brought you both to where you are today.
I’m sorry bc we all know how painful it is to spell out like that.
But I want to challenge your lens….how did any of your past actions that you believe ‘hurt him so much’ stack up against those bare facts of HIS actions? How are you responsible for any of his actions? And can you think of a few other things he might have chosen to do instead in response to how he was feeling that did not involve sexting or trying to rescue a supposedly suicidal married woman or having an affair?
Why does it matter to change your lens? Bc it is so common that these folks lie and try to gaslight you into taking responsibility for things they did. Here we call it the you bought bagged salad = I had no choice but to hang out with an ow
It’s a pretty common human reaction to justify our own bad action by blaming someone else or claiming a false equivalence between a and b or even playing the sad sorry sausage.
What about your hurt, my friend? What about your distress as opposed to ow’s woes? What about your feelings of loneliness bc of his actions?
As a simple rule, I tend to say that if I didn’t know about something, had no voice in it or vote about it, it absolutely is not my responsibility…it belongs to someone else.
And this is a time to try to keep your head as straight as you can and your feet on the ground.
The other reason is what you said about not wanting friends and family to see him differently, so feeling you can’t tell anyone about what is going on. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not suggesting you blast it out on FB or tell everyone you meet (although some of us did vent at random strangers for a while lol).
But this is happening. He has done/is doing these things. You are not responsible for his choices, not one jot
And you need, and are entitled to ask for, some support from people who love you if you want it.
Will that change how they see him? Probably. Just as you are struggling with the fact that you no longer can see him in quite the same way you did. It’s not an easy pill to swallow when we trust and care about people. Imho it’s rather a sad thing.
But that is also the natural grown up consequence of our actions in real life, isn’t it? If we behave badly, people tend to think less well or differently about us and that’s uncomfortable. But choices do tend to include effects. He may want to keep it all a secret but it isn’t YOUR secret….and we all need safe people to sit on the bench with us when life gets upended….how can some of the people who love you support and help YOU if they don’t know what’s going on in YOUR life?
Other than this, how can we best help you right now?
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg