Does it take two two tango? Yes. Could I have done some things better? Sure. But what's more dangerous than an armchair diagnosis is to accept or internalize abusive behavior in any form. If thinking of him as having NPD or some other personality disorder keeps him off my mind and gone, I'm better off.
I get what Marvin is saying. In any scientific and clinical approach, you can never say anything with certainty, only that there's a high correlation and .. well there's also a certain liability that goes along with that too, so that's why Lysol says they only can kill up to 99.9999% of germs. And yes, there are tons of over laps and co morbidities and that's why the industry has moved away from hard, Freudian like diagnoses and moved into clusters and scatter plots.
But on this side of the lab coat, saying narcissist, jerk, a**hole.. whatever, if it helps you vent, gets it off your chest and you keep a perspective and check yourself, I'm good. Not to reiterate..
But you make a good point too.. like you said nobody deserves emotional, physical or financial abuse. Nobody asked for it, brought it upon themselves or anything. You're absolutely right and being able to label something (even casually) can help you create a boundary between you and it. That can be very powerful in many ways.
To heal and move on, we must clearly understand right and wrong and sometimes labeling abuse for what it is, is the way to go. I know from experience, it takes courage to recognize abuse and to even admit that it happened. The mere act of doing so is a huge step.
I also understand what Treasur is saying too. I think she means that when the LBS is dealing with the chaotic whirlwind of MLC, it's better to focus on your own healing and not get caught up in the details of the MLC, which is what I'm saying too. If it makes you feel better to call them a narcissist, go ahead, but don't forget to focus on yourself, GAL, take care of your kids, your own mental health and finances and so on and so forth.