Yes I agree. God does indeed have a plan for everyone in our particular situation. Our experience will enable us to help others, because we ourselves have been there.
A couple years ago, I thought our family was the only one in our town, where my H would retreat to another room for a week to void any colds or illnesses in our home. Sometimes, he would miss the holidays. That went of for most of our marriage. He would work during the day and come home in the evening until everyone in our house had gotten whatever cold there was going around. The behavior got especially bad during Covid when everyone was being careful anyways. That’s when his Shadow really started to come out to play. This past year was really bad depression. That’s when I suggested that he talk to someone. I told him he could talk to a pastor or doctor and everything thing would be confidential and they could give him some advice. After his 2nd visit, he came outside and dropped the Ol’ Bomb.
God is now taking H on his journey, and the rest of our family is on a healing and forward moving journey.
Tell Gracie Cats are certainly welcome, too 😊. We adopted a couple of strays at our old house and they moved here with us. One was a Marmalade colored cat, and the other was a black and white domestic short hair.
I am encouraged by reading your journal. It helps to know we are not alone or crazy.
I’m wondering if MLC happens more often in people’s homes, but they just don’t bring it up to the neighbors. My D12’s BFF’s dad moved out and she visits him at his house on the same day D12 goes. The Dad also comes back and visits on the weekends. The grandparents live there and help with the kids.
Well, I need to finish cleaning. Another group D12’s friends, who couldn’t make it during the week, are showing up on Saturday to celebrate her birthday. 😄
Hugs to you all!