We know. And we are so sorry that you feel how you currently feel.
The truth in life imho is that this starts to change when you feel ready to begin to try to change the window you are looking through. The torture stops when you adjust your eye and expectations. I am not saying that the pain disappears, more that it is converted from the kind of suffering you feel right now to something a bit more like grief. And I’m not sure that grief ever entirely goes away, but it does soften with time to a more manageable size imho.
How does one do that? Again jmo, but for me the key was finding a way to start accepting what I had already lost and to start assuming that if it quacked like a duck, it was probably a duck. And that I couldn’t control the duck, but I could choose what I did about it and how much of the duck I invited in or allowed to come into my life.
The important thing is that you have choices. And that choices come with effects, for better or worse, which no one owns but you.
It’s funny how we can learn by glancing through other peoples’ mental windows, how others can see something one way and we read a post here and think well, I think that too or I see it quite differently based on the information the poster shared. A couple of recent posts have made me think that. Idk if you have those thoughts too when you read other posts here?
Or indeed if you have reached your own point when you are so tired of that tortured feeling that you are ready to experiment with some new windows.
Examples? The house. You say what he wants and what you don’t want, but not what you do want. Simply put, there are usually only three choices…he buys you out, you buy him out, or the house is sold to someone else and you both individuallly live someplace else. Which option do you prefer?
And if I were being more cynical, I think I could argue that his ‘not letting go of ties’ is about retaining his interest in the house…his payments are not about your well-being or caring about you, they are about getting what he wants eg the house. MLC folks are very Me Me Me. And bc it’s a common pattern, it’s usually safe to assume that they are focussing on what they want more than anything else in the short-term.
Idk the advantages and disadvantages of legal separation vs divorce where you live, and what legal advice you have received, but imho that’s another choice you can make after considering what is best for you. A marriage in name only gives you what? Or would you heal and move forward better if you accepted that your h does not want to live like your h and that divorce would be a wiser option for you? No right answers to these things, only the best answer for you in the longer term.
The essence of suffering imho and according to thinkers wiser than me is when we fight reality bc we don’t want to accept how things are. The torture is bc we want x and keep trying to get x, and keep being disappointed that x doesn’t happen. Until we reach a point when we’re ready to look at the window marked Y. When we accept things we don’t want to accept as currently how things are regardless of how we feel about them. Again jmo but that’s a life lesson that most of us encounter eventually in some shaoe….here it just happens to be about our marriages.
Another example of a different window? What if I told you that there was nothing wrong with you, that you are just a normal human that something terrible has happened to? Not BC of you, but TO and AROUND you. So there’s no need to ‘work on yourself’ to change it, but perhaps the need to work on you in order to accept and adjust to it? Not to change it but to work out how to navigate it and get to the other side of it? What difference would that make?
Another example of a different window? Idk what form being ‘kind’ is taking right now. Or how ‘kind’ you are being to yourself vs towards him? I do know that I don’t think I have seen one story here of a spouse being able to ‘kind’ someone back. Not one. And I’ve seen plenty where ‘kindness’ is seen as weakness by a departed spouse, and the LBS gets played into poor outcomes legally or lives like a fish on a hook of entitlement for a while until they spit the hook out. I’m not saying you should be nasty or spiteful, but a different window might be about how appropriate ypur ‘kind’ is towards someone who is being pretty unkind towards you? And that ‘kind’ can be a bit more self-interested than we sometimes like to think, so does your ‘kind’ have an agenda? Some version of ‘if I do x, the other person will do or not do y’? Again, only you know the answer to that.
Idk if you have already done so, but you might find it helpful to read some of the older stories of people who were where you are but got to the other side. To read how they struggled to work out some of what you are currently trying to work out, to see how their windows shifted with time and events, to consider the possibility that ypur own might too, that how you feel right now is normal for an awful far from normal situation, to consider what your window might be if you based it solely on the observable facts without speculating about your hopes and wishes.
But most of all, I am very very sorry.
The torture stops when you decide you’ve had enough and take steps to stop it by approaching the situation differently. But we all know how very hard and painful that can be and wish that you were not where you are. But we all also know that you will not always feel exactly how you do today and send you our biggest hugs.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg