I would like to start a thread on this --- I think all of us feel it at some point; some more than others. RCR writes a bit about it, saying that it is our FEAR that holds us back. I think that's true, but we don't talk much about it.
Fear and anxiety run hand in hand. OK, I'm one who does get anxious; one of the things that I have done as part of my mirror work has been to get a lot of those worries and anxieties under control. I've pretty much got all the "day-to-day" worries under control, for example I no longer stew for ages over which washing machine to buy, worry that I haven't got the best one, that kind of thing...
I laugh now, actually, to think how much of a worrier/perfectionist I was. All that's gone, and I am so glad. That's a change for ME.
But that's an aside.
Here I'm talking about the huge FEAR we all have, the one that makes us think that our MLCer will be the one who gets stuck, the FEAR that we have that we won't cope, the FEAR that makes us 'try' just one more thing. The FEAR that keeps us from trusting in the process.
And yes, I'm starting this because I suddenly, in the middle of the night, felt this FEAR grip my heart again. Heart pounding and everything. I haven't felt it that strongly since the early days, and don't like it. Getting out of bed and getting on with my day helped; but this terror, the fear that I will have to stand and watch while I'm just replaced and what have you, really doesn't help me.
Of course, the first worry is that it means that something horrible is about to happen.... that H is about to drop another bomb. And then the worry elevator gets going.....
How do we recognise this? I think that's one of the keys. It's important to distinguish fear from intuition -- fear gets in the WAY of intuition. I was pleased that at least I recognised it as fear, and tried to meditate on it, to let myself feel it. But I didn't like that....
How to handle this??? ignore, feel, talk, what? How to regain equilibrium and stand from a position of strength, rather than fear? I was looking through the articles again and it gets lots of mentions in passing, but not it's own article. Can we come up with one??