I think the MLCer comes out of his crisis when he is ready. I think what makes this time go faster and easier for the LBS'er is if they spend that time, wisely caring for themselves. Discovering who they really are and who they want to be. I think the LBS'er simply takes advantage of the times that the MLCer is in crisis.
The time passes much faster for the LBS that is focused on themselves as they are learning, growing, maturing within themselves. They can't see the time as wasted. The MLCer sees the strength, power and inner contentedness of their LBS, which is obviously very attractive. Sadly though, the LBS has moved on in a different direction and place then their MLC'er. As Dontgiveup has been patiently trying to tell everybody, RCR's role in this, is to try to help the LBS'er to improve themselves while giving their MLCer the time they need to complete their process.
The truth is, people who divorce once, are not nearly as timid about divorcing a second time. They have overcome their discomfort of walking away from a marriage, not nearly as likely to "tolerate" traits that are annoying and of course, having been through it once have not made the financial commitments mistakes they made the first time around, so are not as FEARFUL of the financial consequences of DIVORCING. Basically, giving your marriage a second chance after an MLcrisis, is no more of a risk then marrying a total stranger. Also, it usually takes people many years to find another partner, probably almost as long as it would take for the average MLC'er to come out of crisis.
hugs Stayed