I was referring to the blog posting that was linked in post 12. I had read that a few weeks ago and was very inspired and encouraged by it, but when I read the letter I had a very different take.
I think the sticking point for me and for others on here is the kid issue. They had kids, so the fact that they were attracted to others outside the marriage and pursued them meant that they disrupted the lives of the kids and that was what was selfish to me and probably others. Had they not had kids, and just decided to go their separate ways mutually the more power to them as I would not seek to impose my values on them. But, the kids had no say and were innocent. I feel that when people enter into a relationship and choose to have kids then they take on the responsibility of providing a stable home and family for the kids. It becomes no longer about the husband, wife or both. It becomes about the family. I take issue with how readily she puts emphasis on the marriage itself and not feeling fulfilled or what-have-you, and chooses to chase her happiness at the expense of the kids. Take it for what you will, that's my take on the letter. Nothing against her or her H (who did not write the blog or the article, and is really a third person in both), but I just don't agree with their ORIGINAL decision. I think it's great that they reconciled and the blog post points out that both DO appreciate the value of the family at the end. The letter was the issue, not the woman or the overall story.
I really think you may have dissected and judged my response out of context. I did not say we ARE made to be monogamous, just that I thought that was a lame excuse for getting a D. I also did not condemn HER, but stated my disagreement with her other views stated in the letter. I apologize to her if she took anything I wrote personally as I did not mean it that way, and as I said I would be happy to read her other blogs as well.
Again, I speak only for myself but I feel that others would likely agree.
One day at a time.