But I think what so many people are saying here is that mentally and emotionally they CAN'T move on until they cut that invisible rope that is "STANDING" for their marriage. I think as people, and especially as mothers, we feel a pull every day to be the best that we can for different ends. I have always felt that standing for me, for my kids, for my marriage, for my career force me to invest in different aspects of my life and personality. And ultimately I decided that I am standing for my kids.
And in that regard, I was explaining to my S14 yesterday that every single day we make THOUSANDS of choices, from which teeth to brush first to how to treat the people we love. Some of them are more important than others, but each one changes us, if only for a second. And more than anything, happiness and love are choices. If I choose to spend an extra ten minutes in the shower, for myself and know I am using all the hot water, I may be choosing happiness, but I am not choosing love for anyone else in my house, and ultimately, am I choosing happiness if I make others around me miserable? What I try to teach my kids every day is "CONSCIOUS LIVING." That all our choices matter and that we should not walk through life unconsciously but with awareness of how we impact the people we love, or might love, or love us.
And that is where standing for my marriage has always been hard, because every single day, I would make different choices FOR HIM, and not for me, my kids, my career. Standing to me always meant putting him first. And I can't do that, I just can't. If I could cognitively believe that by standing for my kids and for me was somehow equal to standing for my marriage, I could call myself a stander, and in some ways I do, contrary to the opinions here and RCRs belief. In many ways I believe I will be standing for my marriage until I marry another, and I actually don't think I could ever do that, I just don't see the purpose since marriage to me is about kids, and I don't intend to have more of those... Whether I date or have sex, live with another, as far as I'm concerned does not matter because none of that closes the door on R if he chooses it. And in MY reality, if he expects me to forgive ALLLLLL his madness, then he would have to accept my conscious choices to make the most happiness I can for myself and my kids while he is having his narcissistic tantrum.
The only thing I don't buy is the double standard, that MLCers can do anything while "standers" sit back and try to become the person their MLCer wanted while patiently waiting. Because I could work on the things he said bothered him, but I LIKE some of those things about me. And truly the only way to learn that was to date and see what other people like in me--otherwise the only perspective I have is his. Anyway, I feel here the same dilemma I felt, STANDING for your MARRIAGE is an anchor in your journey to yourself, I don't see how it can't be.
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...