I understand many versions of MLC, but I am not sure if that's what my H is having. I am not sure how I would know. He is not a clear case, and there are others like me, I am sure.
So, I come here because whatever it is he has, there is no other place where I felt people have had the same experience, and other people like me will also come here. I come here not because I believe I am right, but because I question myself every day and I admire all you standers, but know I don't have that strength. I come here because if ever there is an "answer," I want to know it. If you all succeed in an amazing R and I don't, I want to know it so that one day I can pass that on to someone else. And finally, I come here because I know that there are other people like me who will not have the courage to stand, but like T, who I have opined is not yet ready to decide not to stand, I think I can offer some support, encouragement and hope because they also will come here, like I did and need the support of someone like me who has decided not to stand, but makes the choice in a healthy way.
I have tried my best to make the best decisions for me, for exH and especially for my kids. I am not infallible, obviously, or I would not be here, but I believe that I have to pay forward what others have so graciously given me and if I can help even one person here, then I have done a good thing. Plus, in my heart, I believe I will be one of those LBS that moves on before my exH has a chance to catch up. Maybe I will regret it, maybe not, but I owe it to everyone to at least lurk long enough to tell the end of my story.
That's it--I am not as strong as you, but I believe most people are not, and yet, they need support and guidance through this most painful journey, and deserve not to be criticized for not having that strength. It's the same reason I let myself get sued by my franchise, and I don't regret that, even if it was the nail in the coffin of my marriage, so I know I won't regret this--because I don't have much else to lose! Happy hump day to all! Lisa
The best thing about banging your head against the wall for so long is that it feels so good when you finally stop...
BD 1/16/10
D Final 7/21/11
exH married OW the next week and moved across the country to be with her...
LL CHOSE to live happily ever after...