I guess I want to jump in here....
I agree with DGU that "paving the way" seems to be misunderstood here -- I don't take it as "tippy toeing around the MLCer". I also don't see it as ignoring our own feelings. It's accepting the process.
And for those of us who don't have clinging boomerangs, I agree that we don't really get any chance to sooth, comfort, reassure our MLCer, as a matter of fact quite the opposite. For us trying to soothe, etc. would be pursuing, not paving the way.
Just as the "get on with it" attitude towards non-clinging MLCers doesn't have a beneficial effect either. That, like the reassurances, only 'works' with clingers. RCR's two latest blog posts go over this.
So while I completely agree with not engaging the MLCer and with having backbone, not all the rest can apply to all mlcers.
Stayed, I know you are adamant that that all MLCers are afraid of losing their spouses (or former spouses, in many cases), but I don't actually believe that is always completely true. I guess it depends on what you mean by "losing". Sure, I guess I could make life more difficult for my MLCer by just disappearing and he'd be left dealing with the children, etc., but if I were to do that I would just be hurting myself more than anyone. An "I'll show you" attitude doesn't get me anywhere.
Again, it might with a clinger, but not in other cases.