This is a really interesting question.
For the record, my H still says he did not have an EA with his co-worker, two years ago (BD followed my discovery of Mr. & Mrs. Secret Friends).
I say he did indeed as per the strict definition of EA such as secrecy, and so on. They spent alot of lunches together (she is a co-worker) and went out for drinks a few times (supposedly others were there too but I doubt that). She called him "Babe" as witnessed by the text message I discovered. He swore then and now that it was never physical. (I will never really know that though for sure, will I?)
At the time, my biggest fear was that it would turn into a PA. Now, looking back, I've often wondered if it would have made a difference but I can't really know that unless I experienced it. For me, the emotional betrayal through lying and his obvious glee when she would contact him was nearly enough to sink our relationship. It certainly damaged trust between us for the next hundred years or so. But would it have been worse if it was indeed physical? I don't know. Sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think no.
As to the original question, I did in fact intercede but I don't believe that had any bearing on it turning physical or not (assuming again that it didn't). I called her directly (I knew nothing of MLCs or how to deal with them at that time) and told her that her relationship with my H was OVER with the exception of work issues.
I told him the same thing and told him he had to choose between her and me. Since he has been relatively low energy, is this something he would not have gone further with anyway? Or did I snap him into reality somewhat? I think the answer is the former. I think he is just low energy to begin with. I do know though that just prior to my finding out about her, they had plans to meet ALONE on a weekend and he told me I was not invited and that her husband would not be there either. Supposedly this was for him to see her dogs stupid is that. I told him if he went, he would not find me at home when he returned. He didn't go. I also told him if he ever had a PA, we were done.
So I just don't know what my reactions did or did not do. Interesting topic.
"I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the "lower animals" (so called) and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result humiliating to me."
Mark Twain