Homing in on a target like a heat seeking missile, adjusting trajectory to suit the characteristics of the target. So much research, adjustment, destruction, devastation.
All in the name of 'Love'.
What chameleons, charlatan's . Devious treacherous, fraudsters. Intelligent, charismatic, charming, lying, immoral and sad. Attention seeking, egotistical but flawed individuals.
Who gives birth, adjusts the characters of these people within our society. We are all so vulnerable when you look at the statistics, these people are everywhere.
Some interactions end in crime, violence, death, not only the break up of a marriage.
Are we lucky to be aware? Can we do anything? Our families are damaged and we see, here on this forum, people whose lives, maybe 30 years of building a family are taken away by these people.
This is not the MLC I am talking about, this is the Alienator.
The Alienator is the 'Pendulum' a person who seeks to take your power from you, so carefully described in Reality Transurfing ..The Space of Variations by Vadim Zeland . These are people you don't want to interact with as you give up your power to them. They seek only to take your power. In this book he explains how to deal with them.
If you don't give 110% to your relationship, these characters are simply waiting for you to slip.
Life is good, once you understand.
We make our own happiness and everyone likes to be with happy people.
One man's junk is another's treasure and life goes on. Make yourself into a happy treasure. :-)