This is a very interesting article, whether from a "Christian counseling" perspective or not.
I remember when I first read it last fall I thought it was fascinating but this time around I found it even more convincing--and also deeply disturbing.
Perhaps as I've traveled further along, and am seeing just how intractable and lost my H is, the case the author is making becomes more real and, frankly, scary to me.
Of the six "common elements" that "make the storm so appealing" the author outlines, my H had or still has ALL SIX.
What is depressing/disturbing to me is I think the author is right that the only way out of this is some sort of religious/spiritual "intervention." I do pray for my H, and for OW, to "awaken" but I've recruited no prayer warriors to help me. What can one person do against so much darkness?
The author's recommendation about "seeking help from the lost man" makes sense. My H, however, is no longer in therapy (interestingly we had been in therapy, both individually and together, for six years(!) prior to BD. Turns out H was lying to our therapist about OW and his relationship with her for a long time.)
So I don't see any help coming from the "lost man" at this point.
This article, for me, is quite depressing. But I'm glad I read it and I do think it makes sense.
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.