Hi Synicca,
I wanted to comment on your post.....
As much of that is ALL so very true....Its one of the hardest things to get past...Trying to understand the dynamics in their R is one of my dowfalls...BUT, I learned a long time ago that the OW means nothing...so I do NOT compare myself to HER...
The biggest problem in being the LBS is comparing yourself to the Alienator....because most of us at BD have issues with self esteem.
Its natural emotions when you have been left for another woman...I did it. ALOT!
I think it is very good that you do not compare yourself to the alienator.
At BD - the LBS' self esteem is crushed! At least, that is how I felt about it. I felt very unloved and unloveable.
It is an extreme blow to our self esteem to be abandoned, which is one of the most important things for us to remember that we MUST work on. Our own self esteem.
Over time, we will realize that we are not unloveable at all. That our spouses truly do not love themselves and are, thus, incapable of loving anyone else. So....we must not fall into the trap of low self esteem. It is part of our self focus and our work on ourselves to repair our self esteem and remind ourselves of our value and worth.
The thing is...we all want to believe that the OW is a crazy batsh*t woman that is needy and pushy and mean and cruel.
My H's OW is all of that and more...but I think being a "preditor" because I think ALOT of OW's are. They KNOW exactly how
to ACT around the public...and they will come across as sweet and kind...but really, like LG says.,.,THEY are the DOORMATS.
What if the OW is not crazy at all? What if she isn't needy, mean, or cruel? I would guess that there are some OW out there who are involved with married MLCers - who have no clue. That may make the OW ignorant....but not necessarily needy, pushy, and cruel. Yes. There are predators out there. I would think that the MLCer who is involved with a predator will, when he wakes up, realize that he must get away from the OW.
I don't believe that all are doormats.
But, I must believe that, eventually (there is that eventual word again
) - even the uninformed, non-redatory OW will begin to question the relationship - as, I am pretty sure, the MLCer has been considerably less than open and honest.
The fact is - regardless of who, what, or how the alienator is - the "person" with whom she is involved (MLCer) is in a CRISIS - and is, in no way, even close to being the true person he is or eventually will be.
Thus, a relationship built on lies.....built on need......and pretty much doomed.
They ( in my case) know they are tangled up with a married man with a child/dhildren, yet, because they FEEL entightled
to EVERYTHING they get out of life...stomping on children to get there is fine by them! They SEEK out weak and unstable men
to "USE" . My H's OW..( I just learned this) has/had a "sugar daddy" another MARRIED man paying HER bills and buying HER things. SHE told my H that this man was a "father figure" that HE only HELPED her out because HE CARED about HER well being.
These things may be true.....so, in that case, good for you. She will show her true colors sooner than most - or perhaps she already has. What then? As Letting Go informed me (a while back when we had the opportunity to meet) - if the OW relationship ends and the MLCer is still in crisis - he will just look for another. (She was right, by the way). MLCers have a difficult time being alone. Too much time to think.....something that they really do not want to do. What if the next OW is better? By that, I mean, what if she isn't as unstable? Would you feel differently then?
Too much "watching" of the OW and the MLCer keeps the LBS from putting her focus where it belongs. Stop watching......
LEARNING how to BE YOURSELF and not compare her to YOU is important...but HARD as hell when you allready feel like a FOOL
for not "seeing it coming" at BD.
Synicca, I hear you on this one. You are soooo right. We need to be true to ourselves...Find out who WE are. It is difficult...but it is something we MUST do.
And, don't feel like a fool for not "seeing it coming" - that is why they call it "Bomb Drop". We are clueless at the time....maybe because we are in denial....many times because the MLCer has been so secretive and has lied so well - we do not see this coming. We could not have kept it from coming. Once, in the tunnel, it is inevitable. Not our fault. Not our doing. So, you reallly need to work on letting that go. Don't feel like a fool. You are not a fool.
It takes time....but we all need to get to a point where "we just know" that the R is DOOMED to start...It is doomed because you CANNOT start ANY R ( normally) based on lies...The VERY foundation is weak.
That is correct. The foundation is very weak. So....as RCR states - the Titanic didn't need any help in going down. Leave the "relationship" to self - destruct on its own. Stay far clear - in the life boat. And, don't watch. It may take a while to sink...and it may bounce up more than a few times before the inevitable end.
By sitting and watching.....you are giving up YOUR time to work on yourself. Fix those self esteem issues. Become the person that you want to be...for yourself.