I tutor a teenager with Asperger's syndrome on the weekends, but requested a break from it when this whole thing happened. When I was explaining what happened to the mother, she told me a story about her own MLC.
Approximately 4 years ago (when she turned 41), she said that she went through a MLC. She said that she started to feel resentful towards her H and that he didn't give her enough attention and affection. She said that she contacted her ex bf (from 18 years prior) in the US (we live in Canada), and started an EA with him.
Side note: I was tutoring her son at the time, and I vaguely remember this time because she would say the weirdest things to me, and I thought she was the biggest crazy weirdo. I remember one day specifically; after I had tutored her son, we were talking outside about his progress and in the middle of our conversation she blurts out, 'If it wasn't for son, I would've packed up my bags, moved to Florida, and met a guy down there. The only reason I stay here is because son has Autism and it is better for him to be here where there are free services for him'.

I remember nervously laughing it off, as she was clearly married and I didn't know why the heck she was telling me that! We weren't talking about anything like that

I remember telling my H and he said, 'What the..?'

Anyway, I didn't bring those times up while she was telling me her story recently - I just listened. She continued on and said that after a couple of weeks she quit her high profile job in Toronto and packed her bags to leave - planning to leave her son behind. I had to interrupt when she said that because I KNOW this woman loves her son sooooo much and would do anything for him. She said that she didn't know what the hell came over her, but that, 'MLC is real... TRUST ME, Sha!'. She said many times, 'I don't know what the hell I was thinking'. Anyway, her H begged her not to go and she agreed to stay, but did not want to. In thinking back, I DO remember there being EXTREME tension in their house for a while, during the time she was mentioning. I would say that things have been better in the last two years. She told me that it is a work in progress, but they are now in a much better place. She is definitely telling the truth, because I hear them all the time when I am tutoring... much more loving and sweet to each other. I guess her crisis was approximately 2 years (or 2 years and a bit). Funny, she tells me not to wait around.. I reassured her that I am not 'waiting' but 'living' while healing. When I asked her why she would say that, she said 'Men are different than woman - I stayed because I knew how much it would hurt my son and what it would do to him - he wouldn't be able to handle it with his autism (Note: I can see how she would think that - I don't know what he would've done) and me & H just happened to eventually work through it'. She also said, 'A man who leaves may not come back'. I guess that is her thought on that issue. I believe that God will guide my H though this someday, and I hope to be there. Only God knows what will happen and I am okay with that.