Wow as Limitless says a wonderful discussion!!
My H ticks all RCR's box's and the articles as DGU says have to me been invaluable! and are a benchmark that my H sits alongside its spooky!!!
I have thought about where I am in this situation which camp I am in and I think this ?
I am many facets of me and whatever is happening with me it involves the present and the future
MY life is me, now and what I do now that affects me in the future then this applied to
Me and my children
Me and everything else friends/extended family/work colleagues-clients etc.
Me and my MLCer
So which camp I am in differs dependent on who I am dealing with !
Just me and I have to be strong and disciplined (tough and controlled as I run my own business and no time for falling apart) - except in the car on the way home at the beginning. and then every once and a while)
Me with my children ... I am tough and in control but love them unconditionally and (don't involve them in this situation - they are old enough to be hurt but old enough to have to deal with this in their own way - there to pick up the pieces and help them to understand what I have learnt that their Dad is not in a good enough place to be the man they need and so unconditional love and tough love rolled into one
Me and everyone else .., I am the most honest as I veer from unconditional love for and acceptance of the process to being shattered emotionally and physically 'done'. Friends are more appreciate and understanding and help me see different perspectives and help me learn to trust myself - my intuition - my instinct - but at times I need a push and jolt and a reality check.
Me and my MLCer well this is the hardest one .., I'm mainly in the unconditional camp in regard to how I feel about him, for now, but have sometimes at Monster stage and me not getting MLC process (but think the tough love now is only used FOR ME, when its the last straw It has to be really thought through WHY ? because the effort it takes me to do this has a detrimental effect on ME! so it needs to be because there is NO Other way - the only way is to be tough.
I work all the time to be as strong as I can be, not all the time do I achieve this but its more on track these days Yeah!!!
MLC made me in the early days hate the me I was, because he made me feel unable to be me not by trying to control him but by trying to fix him. help him, love him, care for him .... etc..
I know know that this is his crisis so he needs to find his own way out of it .. help when I can if it feels like NOT perusing, give truth darts when again it feels needed.
It was all about him and it is still but to a less extent - all about him (I can see the wheels of Mid life stages turning) but I am not in his life daily; I am, I am sure (have proof) in his thoughts as he is in mine. But only time will tell so .. I live my life and take every day at one day at a time.
I know I will be fine. We all will be if we detach and let life happen ..
My H owes me a lot and I owe him too but I didn't marry him to notch up credits for payment at a future date so if he doesn't want me for what ever reason/s then its better he isn't with me ...
I have looked at me, I have changed, I see people as they are and not what I hoped they could be, I don't try and fix them.
My tough love towards my H has been tough to him when I need to keep my integrity and self respect intact;
I have control only over me, he has only control over himself; but how we both act NOW and in the FUTURE will determine the future of me and him as separate people and me and him as
MLCer needs to work this out for themselves - that we are worth the sacrificing of their ego's and taking the courage to say I made the biggest mistake ..... and risk us saying - yes you did but my life is better without you?
And I think all MLCer need to do this ... because then they have put everything on the line for their chance of happiness and found out the answers and they now know the truth and its now time to fix things - they need to do it again - and risk the chance of failure? with us, to try and achieve happiness with a full heart instead of a closed one.
If they can do this they will be OK with or without us and that is my only goal for my MLCer.
It is what needs to be done for equilibrium to be restored and a new beginning to begin again IMO
new life, new marriage, new //
So what camp am I in ?? neither in totality BUT who is?? I'm as OP says and Limitless say have a foot in both at the same time.
But think I want to add another camp The Trust Camp
The ones that accept the situation, believe in the process of MLC and appreciate the time (Yes OP finally getting this) and trust the outcome - that whatever will be, it will be the best for you. (Think of Doris Day and Que Sera Sera ( when I post I try to help by putting myself where the person is I am posting too and not make it about how I feel re: my situation - VERY hard to do I just said
I try too but when it comes to expertise its our own situation and how we have dealt with it is what we use for guidance. This is what we can pass on ... the bits that worked and the ones that didn't or what we have seen with our MLCer behaviours and etc.
The answers are impossible to find and this forum isn't about answers its about behaviours and that is how we behave to our MLCer and them towards us and how we treat each other.
I have met many of the ladies on this forum and they are exceptional people who do not deserve this but we find strength in the situation and the acceptance of the process .. between us we aren't on our own. This is invaluable.
When we help others we help ourselves to heal when we are cruel, unkind or opinionated towards others we stunt our own growth.
So if we ask for help by posting and we get opinions we don't want to hear - ones that could help us - and we get angry - it is our loss.
If we want to journal and rant and complain then JUST say so at the beginning and no one will do anything but say Ok tough day hey? etc
This expert debate stated with a debate gone off the rails ..
Lets hope this thread can stop this happening again ... no blame just too much passion to fix and be heard!