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Author Topic: Discussion MLC & Experts

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Discussion Re: MLC & Experts
#130: November 14, 2011, 08:57:34 PM
HeartsBlessing, had Stayed not been referring to something I said earlier—I think in my initial post that started this thread—I might think that she was getting in a dig too. But I think this is more a reference to what I said about me not having an education in Psychology. The last and only Psychology class I took was my Junior year of High School—not even at University. I said it to emphasize that I am not an expert in this. At least not an expert according to academic credentials.
I think it is fine if other people want to label you or me or Stayed or Snodderly…experts. But I don’t think it is fair for me to self-label! I have to admit that sometimes I think of myself as an expert and I feel a bit guilty and am wary of such ideas because I don't want to inflate my head.  :P  For me when I was at DB you (HB) and Snodderly were experts, and so I find it acceptable if someone considers us experts. But I guess it seems immodest to self-label. Maybe if I had all sorts of official academic credits to my name I would feel fine claiming expertise since the credits would be labeling me…Silly perhaps!

Just for the record at least on MY part; I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE AN EXPERT IN MLC or any other phase of life; not all those years ago, not last year, and not even now.

I contain Intuitive, and Insight type knowledge that people say is "otherworldly", but I know NOTHING about ANYTHING; except what the Lord gives me to speak in order to help others.

I retain my right to exhibit deep humility and humbleness  within the face of God; who is the one who has given me all I know; and I will continue to stand on that; regardless of who says what.

My confidence comes from Him who gives me the voice to speak the words HE gives me; and there is NO way I could know all that I would have taken most of my life in research to attain even the fraction of the knowledge that I know comes from Him.

I answered the comment with a question. :)

I don't doubt that I irritate a number of people here, when I start up posting; and I don't doubt that most think I'm a nut or worse, LOL!!

However, that's quite all right with me.  :)

I'm aware that contradictory views are held by others; that don't match what I know; but I rely on past knowledge and current Insight to guide me; and if I need to know something further in regards to an aspect, I do the research for myself; just as I did long ago.

That honestly does NOT mean I think I hold all the keys to the kingdom; I'm still learning as I go within various aspects of the crisis.   After the initial learning you do of the straightforward details of the crisis, it then becomes ALL about the aspects; and there are MANY to be seen.

And I'm STILL that student that keeps asking for more knowledge; and I keep getting it in more and more detail that stretches beyond my own experience.  :)

So, again, I'm NOT an expert; and never claimed that status; don't even wish to have that "label" applied to me.  :)

Hugs to you, Girl! :)

Howdy, OP,  :)

OK I will but in too.

I think we are all EXPERTS on MLC.
Each in our own way and we all bring different things to the table.

I have really studied this reading as much as I could about this, now I do not have as much real life experience in MLC. But my mother is BiPolar and so is my daughter.
So I know a thing or two about mental illness and can completly relate that we can not FIX it.
I have 50 years of trying to do that with my mother and I failed miserably.
If they decide to stay in crisis then nothing we can do about it.

And not to pick on college but Thundarr has a marriage counseling degree and we are teaching him.
I got counseling in the beginning from someone with a PHD and she was clueless.
So just because you have a college degree does not mean anything IMHO.

I think we all need to take what we need from the advice and apply it to our own sich with the use of our own intuition

Let GO and live our lives as if they are never coming back.


You have attained MUCH more than just basic knowledge on the crisis. I daresay if you had not read true confirmation what has been written down in various books, you would question and keep questioning what was being said.

And you would NEED to.  :)  Even I was sent to do research all those years ago to confirm many things I was being told by others, I started out OFFLINE; then through the guidance of the Lord, I was sent ONLINE to begin work that I had never done before.

It has brought me in contact with so many wonderful people over time including you and RCR.   

You ARE finding the confirmations in books that I have NOT read.  I wasn't reading that many books years ago; and I'm not reading any now to tell the truth.

Like I said in another post, I waited this time early in 2010; once RCR got the board up and running, for people to feed the knowledge I already knew and had learned BACK to me.  That was the best way to know and see if all I was remembering was accurate, as I did not wish to put out information that wasn't correct.

I'm STILL seeing consistent feedback in those areas, so I heard correctly.

There is value in continuing to learn about the crisis; so learn all you can; it can only benefit you at a time when someone comes to you for help.  :)

Hugs to you,

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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.

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Re: MLC & Experts
#131: November 14, 2011, 09:06:15 PM
OP, but bipolar people can have does not fix them (in the sense of cure) but it can balance them. Does this not happen with your mother and sister?

As for academic study, I've studied Jung and the behaviour and story of mankind since its dawn, in university. I knew it all about the shadow, about behaviours, bla, bla, bla. Did it made it any easier to deal with this? No. In the begining and did not even remembered Jung and his studies. I were taken aback by the all situation.

HB, my only "irritation" with you is that I left you a huge post in the other thread and send you an equally huge PM and you have not aswered me yet! Now, that is irritating me!  :P Because it is very, very nice of me to bombard you with huge stuff for you to answer!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hugs :)
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« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 09:10:02 PM by AnneJ »
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Re: MLC & Experts
#132: November 14, 2011, 09:46:57 PM
HB, my only "irritation" with you is that I left you a huge post in the other thread and send you an equally huge PM and you have not aswered me yet! Now, that is irritating me!  :P Because it is very, very nice of me to bombard you with huge stuff for you to answer!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

LOL!  I can only be in ONE place at one time, as there is only ONE of me. :)   Anne, my dear, I just have sent you a PM. :)

Hugs to you, Sweetie! :)
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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.

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Re: MLC & Experts
#133: November 14, 2011, 09:50:00 PM
OP, but bipolar people can have does not fix them (in the sense of cure) but it can balance them. Does this not happen with your mother and sister?
My mother has been on meds for 45 years and it has not really helped.
My daughter on the other hand is in full control of her illness.
And is doing wonderfully on meds.
I pray that it continues.
So I have seen both sides of the illness.
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Re: MLC & Experts
#134: November 14, 2011, 10:01:00 PM
Sorry OP. I wrote your sister when it was your daughter. Glad to now she is doing well with the medication. It is sad your mum does not do well on med. Maybe they don't work for everyone... :-[

HB, you are right! There is only one of you (we may need to clone you  ;D ;D). Will take a look at your PM and reply tomorrow. It is very late (or early) in this side of the world. My night job is done, gotta go sleep.

Hugs, and Thanks, HB.  :)
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Re: MLC & Experts
#135: November 14, 2011, 11:24:47 PM
I have come to the conclusion that experiencing our partners with MLC (if that is what it is) leaves us all a little nuts.  :) :) :)

(Gently rocking)
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Re: MLC & Experts
#136: November 15, 2011, 12:04:26 AM
I’d love to write a long response to the posts since I posted, but I need to work on the blog mailing issues and coaching posts… but I did want to comment to this.
HeartsBlessing, had Stayed not been referring to something I said earlier—I think in my initial post that started this thread—I might think that she was getting in a dig too. But I think this is more a reference to what I said about me not having an education in Psychology. The last and only Psychology class I took was my Junior year of High School—not even at University. I said it to emphasize that I am not an expert in this. At least not an expert according to academic credentials.
This is exactly what I based my comment on, thank you RCR.  I could care less about what degree people have or don't have.  I will always question things that do not make sense to me.  Sorry if that offends you HB.  Didn't take you to be that thin skinned as you seem to say pretty much what you want, freely.

I have spent my entire adult life around people of EDUCATION.  Believe me, I admire them but do not believe for one minute that they are in-fallable.  As a matter of fact I often found their ability to learn often prevents them from learning the obvious. Being well educated does not make you any smarter or any dumber then the next, met plenty of dumb people with and without degrees.  Met plenty of really smart people without degrees, too.

Call it my age "thing" people, my pet "peeve" if you like.  I have watched everybody psycho analyze everything to death.  Not just MLC, but every little thing.  I am so sick of the "abuse excuse" or the "whatever excuse" and make no mistake, we may be quibbling over a word, but they are EXCUSES.  Maybe I am old fashioned but when I was a kid, we knew EXACTLY what was right and wrong and the consequences of doing it were severe, the rewards for behaving were applied as well.  No, I wasn't beaten but I knew I had stepped out of line.  The lines are all BLURRY THESE DAYS. I don't know how anybody knows what they are suppose to do or not do. 

I also resent and I mean the word RESENT... very strongly, being implemented in my husbands crisis whatsoever.  Certainly, no marriage is perfect, nor was mine, but if ever a man had NO BLOODY REASON to go off half cocked, it was mine.  He, along with many other "soldiers" was able to immerse himself into his career because he had a wife like me at home, manning the "homefront".  While he was off "stemming the tide of Communist Aggression" as they were so fond of saying, their family, homes, bank accounts, cars and every other part of their life was taken care of.  He might not have been 100% thrilled with me, but he had not RIGHT, or any EXCUSE to betray, abandon and deceive his children and I.  In fact he OWED us far more then he could ever repay.

Also, when I went through my MENOPAUSE, I didn't BLAME him for my body having a chemical change.  I didn't blame him for being crazy, teary and unpredictable.  Nor did he for one second accept any of the BLAME for the way I felt.  Heck, he didn't even make it easier, he certainly didn't hold back on what he thought of MY behaviour.  I didn't hear him telling everybody... "Stayed can't help it, she is going through her change of life"... no, instead all I heard was, "what the hell is wrong with you, have you lost your mind?" 

I'm not saying this is "tit for tat" time, but we women have changes in our life that are well documented, clearly defined, with very descriptive analysis of what is happening to us.  Most MLCer's won't even ADMIT they are going through or having a crisis, until they have done it... then, it's oh please forgive me, "I was having a crisis"! 

The big problem with Crisis ( I think I will stop calling them mid life) is that they are personal.  There is nothing attractive about a crisis.  A crisis is not somebody wrestling with a few issues.  A crisis is almost always personally directed at somebody close to the person in Crisis.  Someone in here said her unmarried brother had a crisis.  He stopped all contact with his family members and then proceded to say and do terrible things about his parents.  You see, there is the difference between this being a INCIDENT in their lives and a CRISIS.

I find that this is almost made out to be like an INCIDENT... a big... OOPS... me bad.  Everything about this crisis is ugly.  It rips apart families, destroys children's lives, can obviously bring about financial disaster for the entire family, it destroys self esteem, confidence, trust (in anything and anybody, not just of the person in crisis).  WE are forced to discuss personal topics, even with our children (age related of course).  It is gut wrenching, everything about it.

You are right HB, my h and I are long past this.  WE still discuss this because many people ask me questions, deep personal questions, that I pass on to him and he very GRACIOUSLY tries to oblige.  The reason I continue to bring up the AGE issue, is because it OFFENDS him, how everybody tries to reduce its importance.  He resents everything being REDUCED to childhood issues, resolved or unresolved.  He freely admits it was a horrible time.  It felt like he was watching a movie and he was the "star" actor.  He feels shame, pain and still some fear, that he could be a person that could do those sort of things, to someone that he knows did not deserve to be treated so horribly.  He hates that his children cannot "accept" the "crisis" alibi.  He of course fears, that it will happen to one if not more of them. 

It simply has become another of the MENTAL illnesses of our times. 

I'm not questioning your credentials HB or RCR.  Or Jim Conways.  I am simply saying we do not have all the answers.  WE cannot talk about this like it is this, this and this and when I went through my this, this and this, and this what I was suppose to learn.  I wish it were that cut and dried.  I really do.

I believe you have about as many answers as I do HB.  A lot of hypotheses and no real conclusions or solutions.  For every answer, there a billion more questions.  We have been fully reconciled for 5 full years.  My h has opened his home, his heart and his mind to anybody and everybody.  I haven't seen any other recovered CRISERS stepping up to the plate.  Unless of course they were writing a book.  Then they seem to have lots to say.  My husband has had no benefit whatsoever from answering anybody's question, simply some peace of mind, that he may have EASED their troubled hearts a little.  I guess you would say, he is paying back the second chance he has been granted.

hugs Stayed
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Re: MLC & Experts
#137: November 15, 2011, 12:16:35 AM
I have come to the conclusion that experiencing our partners with MLC (if that is what it is) leaves us all a little nuts.  :) :) :)

(Gently rocking)

You nailed it Freddy... we are all nuts... hugs Stayed
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Married 42yrs.
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"Don't be so open minded your brains fall out".  by Stephen A. Kallis, Jr.
"We believe marriage is sacred, but it is not our job to save marriages; it is our goal to empower each of you to save your own marriage."

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Re: MLC & Experts
#138: November 15, 2011, 02:29:19 AM
This is exactly what I based my comment on, thank you RCR.  I could care less about what degree people have or don't have.  I will always question things that do not make sense to me.  Sorry if that offends you HB.  Didn't take you to be that thin skinned as you seem to say pretty much what you want, freely.

I'm surprised at you, Stayed; what do you mean that I say pretty much what I want freely?  LOL!!
I thought YOU did that!  :)

All jokes aside, I'm like you; I question what I don't understand. I prefaced my post with the fact that I DO love you dearly; and furthermore, I have a very healthy respect what you have to say, even though sometimes I don't agree; but I don't expect you to always agree with me; and I felt I was probably coming across a little too blunt.

And God knows I would NOT hurt you for anything; you've brought a great deal to this table over time.

Nope, you missed boat on me being thin skinned, Stayed; if I see something I have a question about, I ask it for clarification; just like you do. :)  Didn't offend me at all; I was actually surprised at seeing something like that written down, and from you, I probably SHOULDN'T have been so surprised; and so, I waded right in like I commonly do, and spoke freely, just like you said. :)

I'm not questioning your credentials HB or RCR.  Or Jim Conways.  I am simply saying we do not have all the answers.  WE cannot talk about this like it is this, this and this and when I went through my this, this and this, and this what I was suppose to learn.  I wish it were that cut and dried.  I really do.

To be very honest, I wish it were that way too, one of those 12 step processes or something like you can find in a book about say, Alcoholism.

Yet, it doesn't work like that; it didn't work for me like that, either. It started out as trial and error, then it wasn't much easier when I found he'd left out one last issue.
And this last time, he's said nothing about it; but the last and final changes in him have been clearly evident that he's now past it all.

His relationship with our son has improved a thousandfold, as our son actually UNDERSTOOD what was happening; not only during the first one, but the second one, too.  This really did make things easier for me, and my husband did some opening up to our son for a period of time during his second bout of crisis.  I know about that, because Son was asking me questions about what his dad was revealing to him.   Some of it I knew about, some I didn't; but I left that aspect alone...and at a later time, my husband opened up to me in other aspects.

I will say this; one of the reasons why they finally admit to being in crisis is that it all finally comes home to roost at a given time within them.  I sincerely doubt anyone that goes through doesn't know they've gone through.

No excuses here, but unless a person has intuitive knowledge of what they endured; they are unable to explain the whats and whys of how they endured. 

And since this is an emotional battle; it can make it that much harder to speak about it; those that come through successfully are more emotional than they were before; just like your husband is, Stayed.

You are right HB, my h and I are long past this.  WE still discuss this because many people ask me questions, deep personal questions, that I pass on to him and he very GRACIOUSLY tries to oblige.  The reason I continue to bring up the AGE issue, is because it OFFENDS him, how everybody tries to reduce its importance.  He resents everything being REDUCED to childhood issues, resolved or unresolved.  He freely admits it was a horrible time.  It felt like he was watching a movie and he was the "star" actor.  He feels shame, pain and still some fear, that he could be a person that could do those sort of things, to someone that he knows did not deserve to be treated so horribly.  He hates that his children cannot "accept" the "crisis" alibi.  He of course fears, that it will happen to one if not more of them.

Your husband still has some healing to do, Stayed, and the only way he's going to heal is to finish processing himself, and in time, reaching complete forgiveness of himself.  From what you're describing; he's not reached that point.  He's deeply hurt that his children cannot accept that he really did suffer through a major mid life crisis; having made some terrible mistakes that he can never take back or reverse.
The past itself is set in stone; he knows this intellectually; but emotionally, he still hurts for all he's done.
He's beating himself to pieces over something he cannot change.
He's become a giving, caring man; but in many ways, he's still broken hearted over his past actions.
His memories should be fading; but quite honestly; several aspects are still alive and well within him.
He's the ONLY one who can work his way through. He knows you've forgiven him; but it really is the forgiveness of himself that he cannot seem to reach; and this will take some additional time.

I understand his worry about the children going through this later in their lives; as I have thought several times of our son who endured through with me and his dad.   And I wonder what will happen in the future, but know I don't have that in my control.

I believe you have about as many answers as I do HB.  A lot of hypotheses and no real conclusions or solutions.  For every answer, there a billion more questions.

There are never any clear solutions only trial and error in most cases.   No one ever tells all they know; sometimes, the smallest details could make the biggest difference.   Sometimes my insight will fill in the blanks, sometimes not; it all depends.

 MLC can strike between the ages of 35 and 55; sometimes earlier, sometimes later, either triggered by a major event or even by a spouse that has just come through their own Transition, or Crisis.

To come through, and I DO know this for TRUTH and NOT hypothesis;  EVERYTHING within a person must be faced, confronted, settled, resolved, and healed, and positive permanent CHANGE must take place within in order to come through whole and healed; and this takes time to complete.

The general time of a crisis can take 5 to 7 years, if not longer, but if it's shorter, the possibility increases that something or more than one something got "skipped" in that process; and this WILL bring on ANOTHER bout of crisis at a later time.  This is another TRUTH I know; not a hypothesis.  The times can vary from person to person.

There are other things I know for TRUTH; but too many to list, and I'm tired, anyway. :)

As each person is different, each crisis is different; what one will do another won't; but there ARE the aspects where the MLC'er act and speak just alike; which helps to figure out WHAT is going on.

The dynamics of the crisis are just as individual as the person going through.

After that, depending on each individual person, it's anybody's guess...but, there again; focusing on one's self, learning to be the opposite of what you were before, taking the journey to wholeness and healing, and learning everything you can learn about the crisis; and how it works.

The outcome is uncertain; but no time is wasted as long as you take the time to do the necessary work on yourself.   The most confusing aspect of the crisis is that this is  truly an individual journey where each person will do God knows what and arrive at God knows what outcome...personal choice is exercised at all times whether it be the MLC'er or the LBS.  The LBS is considered the SANE one, whereas the MLC'er is considered the INSANE one.

Boundaries can be set for bad behavior; but don't look for the MLC'er to honor these boundaries unless they are enforced; and even then you may experience hard rebellion.

You really CANNOT use an ultimatum in the MLC affair if you might want  to stay married after it is all said and done; and you still want the MLC'er.   

On the other hand, you KNOW your MLC spouse better than anyone; and you would have a BETTER idea of what would work, and what wouldn't work in your situation/case.

Then again, the decision to stay married or not doesn't really belong to the LBS; it actually belongs to the MLC'er, regardless of what the LBS wants, and most do want to stay married if possible. :)

The LBS, however, can STOP standing, and end everything ANYTIME they choose; although a chance is taken when the LBS decides to stand.

I will say this: I knew the outcome from the beginning, Stayed; YET, throughout all the time I was walking through this trial, I was prepared for EVERY possibility that COULD happen, regardless of what I "knew".    My husband could have decided at ANY time to walk away;(he had that kind of power, but SO DID I) and in spite of learning that aspect, I still chose to stand; whether I looked like an idiot or not. :)

It wasn't until I figured out that I had the SAME power of decision that he did, that my stand became much easier to carry out.   I also came to know circumstances can change at ANY time, and I could have found myself NOT married.   

That did NOT stop me from pursuing my own life, walking my own journey; and taking care of myself. :)

Have a good night.  :)

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Our marriage survived His MLC, with the help of the Lord.
I have learned that true strength is built through the trials we endure.
There is hope as long as you love your MLC spouse, and, are willing to learn the  life's lessons that are set before you as a result of this crisis.

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Re: MLC & Experts
#139: November 15, 2011, 03:33:42 AM
HB, I never had any knowing about whether my h and I would stay together or not.  I think anybody who had been married as long as I was, definitely had trouble imagining that we wouldn't be together again, but it was more out of familiarity then it was out of a KNOWING. 

Standing is a personal choice.  I could care less what other people thought about what I did.  Not their business.  They are free to do what they want, not my business.  Never even gave it a second thought about what other people might think.  I was not ready to let go of my hope for a reconciliation.  My choice.  I would have let go, when and if he had not come out of this by the time I had finished processing it... I would have moved on without him.  That I can say with certainty.  I felt then and still feel no obligation to a marriage that my h had already broken. 

Also, I have very few TRUTHS, other then speaking my mind about what I absolutely know.  As I have NEVER had a crisis, I honestly do not know what he had to do to get where he is now.  I tend to think many do not do as much as they should, but like I said... I DO NOT KNOW... SO I will not pretend I do.

I think my h is pretty much through this, further along then you tend to think he is.  You have never met him, you have no idea what he was like before and the man he is now.  So there really is no way of you knowing.  He is not having any trouble forgiving himself.  He is very good at protecting his inner equilibrium. 

His children are only rationalizing this, as he himself would have before he went through this.  Believe me, he would have mocked anybody else who claimed to be going through such an episode.  We often reap what we sew HB.  He showed very little empathy for anything that they went through when they were growing up, so expecting and receiving empathy now from them, seems to be a little over reaching.

I'm really not as cold indifferent as I sound about this, but seriously, his children are all over the quarter century point, they have opinions of their own.  If he wants to resolve this with them, then it is going to have to be him to approach it because they definitely will not.  Seeing as he won't, I think it cannot be as pressing as we might think it is. 

hugs Stayed
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« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 03:37:42 AM by stayed »
Married 42yrs.
Reconciled July 5, 2006

"Don't be so open minded your brains fall out".  by Stephen A. Kallis, Jr.
"We believe marriage is sacred, but it is not our job to save marriages; it is our goal to empower each of you to save your own marriage."

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